Meccano Ltd. Brochures and Leaflets
Meccano Canadian Literature
Meccano Ltd imported Meccano into Canada from an early date. However there is very little literature prior to the mid 1920s.
--- 1923 ---
A 1923 Meccano Price List, Canada Print Code 723/10.
(Added 27/04/2020)
--- 1924 ---
The 1924 Meccano Products Catalogue, Canada - with revised parts price list supplement. Print Code 624/5.
(Added 01/05/2020)
--- 1925 ---

The 1925 Meccano Products Catalogue 'Magic Carpet', Canada - no print code.
(Added 01/05/2020)325/12.5
A 1925 Meccano Spare Parts price list, Canada Print Code 325/12.5.
(Added 28/04/2020)
--- 1926 ---
The 1926 Jackie Coogan Visits a Meccano Factory booklet, Canada. Print Code 626/5.
(Added 15/08/2023) 826/4
A 1926 Meccano Price List and brochure about the 'New Meccano', Canada Print Code 826/4.
(Added 27/04/2020) 926/10
A 1926 Meccano Price List leaflet about the 'New Meccano', Canada Print Code 926/10.
(Added 27/04/2020) 926/31
A 1926 'New Meccano' leaflet with Hornby Trains, Canada Print Code 926/31.
(Added 27/04/2020) 1026/2
A 1926 Meccano and Spare Parts Price List leaflet, Canada Print Code 1026/2.
(Added 27/04/2020)
--- 1927 ---
The 1927 'New Meccano' catalogue, Canada. Print Code 827/3.
(Replaced 16/08/2023) 827/13.15
A 1927/28 Meccano Products catalogue, Canada. Print Code 827/13.15.
(Added 16/08/2023)
--- 1928 ---
The 1928 Meccano Book of Engineering, Canada. Print Code 628/2.5.
(Replaced 16/08/2023) 928/20.2
A 1928/29 Meccano Products catalogue, Canada Print Code 928/20.2.
(Added 15/08/2023) 928/2
The 1928 Hornby Trains Catalogue, Canada. Print Code 928/2.
(Added 01/05/2020) 1128/2
The 1928 Dick's Visit to the Home of Meccano, Canada Print Code 1128/2.
(Added 29/04/2020)
--- 1929 ---
A 1929 Hornby Trains Price List leaflet, Canada Print Code 329/2.
(Added 27/04/2020) 729/50
A 1929 Meccano Price List leaflet, Canada. Print Code 729/50.
(Added 27/04/2020) 4/729/22
A 1929/30 Meccano Products catalogue, Canada. Print Code 4/729/22.
(Added 07/01/2023) 1028/5
The 1929 Meccano catalogue 'The Toy that Made Engineering Famous', Canada Print Code 1028/5.
(Added 28/04/2020) 7/829/5
The 1930 Meccano catalogue, Canada. Print Code 7/829/5.
(Added 29/04/2020)
--- 1930 ---
A 1930 Meccano flyer, Canada Print Code 5/530/50.
(Added 29/04/2020) 2/630/10
A 1930 Meccano Spare Parts price list, Canada Print Code 2/630/10.
(Added 28/04/2020) 1/730/5
A 1930 Meccano Spare Parts Price List leaflet, Canada Print Code 1/730/5.
(Added 27/04/2020)
--- 1931 ---
A 1931 Meccano Spare Parts Price List leaflet, Canada Print Code 1/831/5.
(Added 27/04/2020)
--- 1932 ---
The 1932/33 Meccano Products catalogue, Canada Print Code 13/832/500.
Note the error in the quantity. 500 thousand is for too many, should be approx 20 to 25 thousand
(Added 29/04/2020) 13/832/500
Another 1932/33 Meccano Products catalogue with a different cover, Canada Print Code 13/832/500.
Note the error in the quantity. 500 thousand is for too many, should be approx 20 to 25 thousand
(Added 29/04/2020) 13/932/2(1P)
A 1932 Meccano Products brochure (excluding Hornby Trains and Dinky Toys), Canada Print Code 13/932/2(1P).
(Added 11/05/2020) 19/932/30 (1P)
A 1932 Meccano leaflet, Canada Print Code 19/932/30 (1P).
(Added 28/04/2020)
--- 1933 ---
A 1933 Meccano Elektron and Kemex leaflet, Canada Print Code 19/833/5.
(Added 29/04/2020) 1/833/5(1P)
A 1933 Meccano Spare Parts Price List leaflet, Canada Print Code 1/833/5(1P).
(Added 27/04/2020) 13/733/26
The 1933/34 Meccano Products catalogue (including Hornby Trains), Canada Print Code 13/733/26.
(Added 08/05/2020) 20/933/2 ((C.))
A 1933 Meccano Products brochure (excluding Hornby Trains and Dinky Toys), Canada. Print Code 20/933/2((C.)).
(Added 28/04/2020)
--- 1934 ---
The 1934/35 Meccano Products catalogue, Canada Print Code 13/834/25.
Note that in Canada the old 0-7 outfits were still being sold to sell off old stock. In the UK the new 'A' to 'F; outfits were now being sold.
(Added 08/05/2020) 16/934/5
A 1934 Meccano Elektron and Kemex leaflet, Canada Print Code 16/934/5.
(Added 29/04/2020) 20/934/3
The 1934 Meccano Products catalogue (excluding Hornby Trains), Canada Print Code 20/934/3.
Note that in Canada the old 0-7 outfits were still being sold to sell off old stock. In the UK the new 'A' to 'F; outfits were now being sold.
Also included is the envelope the catalogue was originally sent in and an application form to join the 'Meccano Lone Engineer Club'.
(Added 29/04/2020) 16/934/20
The 1934/35 Meccano Price List leaflet including Car and Aeroplane Constructor, Canada Print Code 16/934/20.
(Added 27/04/2020)
--- 1935 ---
Currently no Canadian Meccano leaflets/catalogues for 1935
--- 1936 ---
A 1936/37 Meccano Products Catalogue, Canada Print Code 13/736/50.
(Added 15/05/2020) 13/736/50
A 1936/37 Meccano Products Catalogue with different covers, Canada Print Code 13/736/50.
(Added 16/09/2020)
--- 1937 ---
A 1937/38 Meccano Products Catalogue for J. H. Ashdown hardware Co Ltd of Calgary, ALTA, Canada Print Code 13/737/25.
(Added 16/09/2020) 13/737/25
A 1937/38 Meccano Products Catalogue for Northern Hardware Co of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada Print Code 13/737/25.
(Added 23/06/2023)
--- 1938 ---
A 1938 Meccano leaflet, Canada Print Code 15/738/20.
(Added 28/04/2020) 17/738/30
The 1938/39 Meccano Products Catalogue, Canada Print Code 17/738/30.
(Added 11/05/2020)
--- 1939 ---
The 1939/40 Meccano Price List leaflet, Canada Print Code 13/839/20.
(Added 27/04/2020) 
The 1939/40 Meccano Products Catalogue, Canada - no print code
(Added 04/05/2020)
A circa 1939 Meccano Parts price list, Canada - no print code.
(Added 03/01/2023)
--- 1940 ---
Currently no Canadian Meccano leaflets/catalogues for 1940
--- 1941 ---
A 1941 Meccano Spare Parts Price List leaflet, Canada Print Code 16/741/6.
(Added 27/04/2020) 13/741/20
A 1941 Meccano Products price list, Canada Print Code 13/741/20.
(Added 28/04/2020)
--- 1948 ---
1948 Meccano Products catalogue with Canadian prices Print Code 13/448/25.
(Added 04/05/2020)
--- 1949 ---
1949 Meccano catalogue with Canadian prices Print Code 13/449/20.
(Added 04/05/2020) 13/449/5
1949 Meccano catalogue in French with Canadian prices Print Code 13/449/5.
(Added 08/10/2021)
--- 1950 ---
May 1950 Meccano Products price list, Canada Print Code 17/350/10.
(Added 04/05/2020) 16/650/25
June 1950 Meccano Products price list C3043, Canada Print Code 16/650/25.
(Added 02/05/2020)
--- 1951 ---
February 1951 Meccano Products price list, Canada Print Code 5/651/60.
(Added 02/05/2020)
--- 1952 ---
1952 Meccano Products catalogue 'Toys of Quality' with Canadian prices Print Code 16/752/90.
(Added 04/05/2020)
--- 1953 ---
1953 Meccano Spare Parts price list, Canada Print Code 16/853/7.
(Added 02/05/2020) 16/953/15
1953 Meccano brochure 'A New Toy Every Day' with Canadian prices Print Code 16/953/15.
(Added 04/05/2020) 13/1053/90
1953 Meccano Products catalogue 'Toys of Quality' with Canadian prices Print Code 13/1053/90.
(Added 04/05/2020)
--- 1954 ---
1954 Meccano Spare Parts price list, Canada Print Code 6/554/7.
(Added 02/05/2020) 13/954/90
1954 Meccano Products catalogue 'Toys of Quality' with Canadian prices Print Code 13/954/90.
(Added 04/05/2020) 13/854/40
1954-5 Meccano leaflet "The Toy of the Century" with Canadian prices Print Code 13/854/40.
(Added 04/05/2020)
--- 1955 ---
February 1955 Meccano Products price list, Canada Print Code 16/255/15.
1955 Meccano Spare Parts price list, Canada. Print Code 6/255/7'5.
(Added 02/05/2020) 11/555/90
1955 Meccano leaflet 'Engineering for Boys' with Canadian prices Print Code 11/555/90. Print ref M/CF/1.
(Added 02/05/2020) 13/655/90
1955/6 Meccano Products catalogue 'Toys of Quality' with Canadian prices Print Code 13/655/90.
(Added 04/05/2020)
--- 1956 ---
1956 Meccano Spare Parts price list, Canada Print Code 10/456/7'5. Print ref M/F/2.
(Added 02/05/2020) 16/556/55m
June 1956 Meccano Products price list, Canada. Print Code 16/556/55m. Print ref MP/PL/3.
1956 Meccano leaflet 'The Toy that Grows with the Boy' with Canadian prices Print Code 11/656/90. Print ref M/CF/2.
(Added 02/05/2020) 13/756/100
1956 Meccano Products catalogue 'Toys of Quality' with Canadian prices Print Code 13/756/100.
(Added 04/05/2020)
--- 1957 ---
1957 Meccano Products catalogue 'Toys of Quality' with Canadian prices Print Code 13/757/80.
(Added 04/05/2020) 11/657/90M
1957 Meccano leaflet 'The Toy that Grows with the Boy' with Canadian prices Print Code 11/657/90M. Print ref M/CF/3.
(Added 02/05/2020)
--- 1958 ---
July 1958 Meccano Products price list, Canada. Print Code 16/658/27'5(2ndP.). Print ref MP/PL/7.
(Added 02/05/2020) 10/558/15
1958 Meccano Spare Parts price list, Canada Print Code 10/558/15. Print ref M/F/4.
1958 Meccano leaflet 'The Toy that Grows with the Boy' with Canadian prices Print Code 11/858/50M. Print ref M/CF/5.
(Added 02/05/2020)
--- 1959 ---
1959 Meccano Spare Parts price list, Canada. Print Code 10/459/15. Print ref M/F/5.
(Added 02/05/2020) 11/859/50M
1959 Meccano leaflet 'Miniature Engineering for Boys' with Canadian prices Print Code 11/859/50M. Print ref M/CF/6.
(Added 04/05/2020)
--- 1960 ---
Currently no Canadian Meccano leaflets/catalogues for 1960
--- 1961 ---
1961 Meccano Spare Parts price list, Canada Print Code 10/661/15. Print ref M/F/10.
(Added 02/05/2020) 11/661/50
1961 Meccano leaflet 'The Thrill of Build-it Yourself' with Canadian prices Print Code 11/661/50. Print ref 72017/42.
(Added 02/05/2020)
--- 1962 ---
1962 Meccano Spare Parts price list, Canada Print Code 10/362/5. Print ref 72026/42.
(Added 02/05/2020)
--- 1963 ---
1963 Meccano Products catalogue ref, with Canadian prices. Print Code 7/563/45. Print ref 72884/42.
(Added 04/05/2020)
--- 1964 ---
1964 Meccano Products catalogue ref, with Canadian prices Print Code 9/964/60. Print ref 72903/42.
(Added 04/05/2020)
--- 1965 ---

1965 Meccano Products brochure ref, with Canadian prices - no print code. Print ref 72050.
(Added 04/05/2020)
--- 1966 ---

March 1966 Meccano Spare Parts price list ref, Canada - no print code Print ref 72042/42.
(Added 02/05/2020)
--- 1967 ---
Currently no Canadian Meccano leaflets/catalogues for 1967
--- 1968 ---

March 1968 Meccano Spare Parts price list ref, Canada - no print code. Print ref 72062.
(Added 02/05/2020)
--- 1969 ---
Currently no Canadian Meccano leaflets/catalogues for 1969
--- 1970-72 ---

A 1970/72 Meccano Spare Parts price list/order form for Canada - no print code.
Found inside a standard 1970/72 Illustrated Spare Parts Brochure (Print Ref 100204)
(Added 23/06/2023)
--- Post 1981 ---

A 1988 Meccano Sets Price List for Canada.
(Added 14/08/2020)
The 1989 Meccano Trade Catalogue for Canada
(Added 14/08/2020)
A Meccano Spare Parts Price List for Canada. Date unknown, but as the price list is only valid till March 1992, it is probably circa 1991.
(Added 25/09/2022)