Meccano Manuals
Changes to the manuals during the era
The majority of the models are unchanged from the 1938 - 47 era. Most of these use the same pictures which have just been touched up to remove the cross hatching, although a few do have new pictures for an unchanged model. Most of the text is also unchanged. There are also a good number of new or redesigned models introduced. Only outfits 0 - 2 models have a parts list beside each model (except outfit 10 - see below). There was just one change to the models during the era - model 9.12 was replaced in 1953 (see below for details). Also Click here for more details which also show the relationship between the previous and subsequent eras. There were however a few minor detail changes which are noted below.
The 'How to begin the fun' page was different (and more basic) for manuals -> 2, than for manuals 3 ->.
It has been reported that models 2.9 & 2.12 were transposed in some manuals - Which manuals ??
The 1948 and early 1949 No.9 manuals were a reissue of the relevant models from the pre-war 9/10 manual and showed the blue & gold models. The first (very rare) 1948 No.9 manual had the pre-war cover. This is the only known post-war use of the pre-war cover on an English language manual. The new post-war version of the No.9 Outfit manual did not come out until mid 1949.
In 1953 the No.2 clockwork motor was withdrawn which resulted in minor changes to a number of models. Of note is that model 9.12 was replaced by a completely new model - notable as it only appeared for one year in 1953.
The No.10 manual came out in 1949 and was a straight reprint from the pre-war 9/10 manual. It had an introductory page explaining that the E120 motor was no longer available, but with a slight redesign, the E20R could be used instead. It also noted that some part numbers had changed and that modern parts were no longer hatched. Note that as the No.10 set was not released until 1949, the set contents list shown in the 1948 manuals is wrong.
On the 7/52 outfit 5 manual, the copyright address on the fron cover must have had an error, as a matching sticker has been pasted on showing the copyright address.
Whether there was a line a the bottom of each model page underneath the models varied from issue to issue with some of the manuals. So far the following has been noted.:-
Manual | Details |
0 | Lines on the bottom of all pages |
1 | There are no lines on the bottom of any of the pages |
2 | -> 4/50 - None on any page 5/50 - Lines on the bottom of pages 2, 4, 10, 11 10/50 -> Lines on the bottom of pages 8-14 (i.e set 2 models) |
3 | 1948 - None on any page 7/49 -> 5/50 - Lines on the bottom of all pages 10/50 -> Lines on the bottom of pages 5-> (i.e set 2/3 models) |
4 | -> 4/50 - Lines on the bottom of all pages 5/50 -> Lines on the bottom of pages 3-> (i.e set 2-4 models) |
5 | -> 4/50 - Lines on the bottom of all pages 5/50 -> Lines on the bottom of pages 3-> (i.e set 2-5 models) |
6 | -> 5/50 - Lines on the bottom of all pages 6/50 -> Lines on the bottom of pages 3-> (i.e set 2-6 models) |
7-9 | Lines on the bottom of all pages |
0A | No lines on the bottom of all pages |
1A | -> 4/49 - None on any page 4/50, 10/50 & 3/51 editions not yet examined 10/51 -> - Lines on the bottom of all pages |
2A | 3/48 - None on any page 6/48 edition not yet exmined 11/48 - Lines on the bottom of pages 1 &2 7/49, 3/51 -> Lines on the bottom of all pages |
3A - 6A | Lines on the bottom of all pages |
Details of changes
- 1948
- In the early 1948 manuals model 0.9 was 'Bucking Broncho' and 0.12 was 'Electric Truck'. These were swapped over so that 0.9 was 'Electric Truck' and 0.12 was 'Bucking Broncho' by 9/48. At the same time an extra figure was included and the text reformatted for the 'Bucking Broncho'.
- The early 1948 accessory manuals, up to 08/48 (08/47 misprint) had a red tinted boy and real crane. Also the 06/48 and 08/48 manuals had a gloss cover.
- The 1948 - early 1949 outfit 9 manuals were a reissue of the pre-war No.9 manual. The first issue (5/48) had a pre-war style cover.
- The No.2 Clockwork Motor was unavailable in 1948, and as some of the models in the reissued No.9 manuals used it, a sticker was stuck on the inside of the front cover detailing the changes to allow the No.1 motor to be used in its place. Two slightly different stickers have been seen so far (Refs 16/448/2.5 and 16/748/2.5)
- 1949
- The Set Contents pages were updated to include the 0A Outfit and the correct contents for Outfit No.10 which was not released until 1949. The format of the pages was also amended so that the part description was in the centre of the page.
- The Set Contents pages were reformatted and the quantities of 37a and 37b was also corrected for sets 3a ->.
- It is suspected that the early 1949 No.9 manual also had a sticker regarding the No.2 clockwork motor like the 1948 editions did. Confirmation required.
- A completely new Outfit 9 manual was issued in 7/49
- 1950
- The 5/50 Outfit 7/8 manual was titled 'Outfits Nos 7/8' instead of 'Outfits Nos 7 and 8' as every other version was
- 1951
- Introduction of 142c to outfits - Affected the Outfit Contents list and the following set 0 models where they replaced part 155:-
    0.2, 0.6, 0.8, 0.9, 0.14, 0.16, 0.17, 0.20, 0.21, 0.23 - To coincide with the above introduction of 142c, the Outfit 0 manual was updated, with a new cover etc. - Models were unchanged except to show the new part.
- On manuals from 10/51, at the end of the 'Meccano Services' section on the inside front cover, the following was added 'Address your letters to Information services' Note that this does not apply to all 10/51 manuals.
- From manuals from 10/51 on page 1 of the manual (How to begin the fun) the words 'Information Service' have been added before 'Meccano Ltd' at the bottom right of the page. Note that not all 10/51 manuals were amended.
- In some of the 10/51 manuals in the 'Meccano Magazine' section on the inside front cover, the last sentence was changed from 'Supplies of the magazines are very limited owing to the paper shortage' -> 'He will send you a specimen copy and tell you how to obtain the magazine regularly'
- The No.2 clockwork motor was discontinued in the middle of 1951. This affected models 7.17, 8.19, 8.21 9.3, 9.12, 9.16, 9.21. Manuals 7/8 & 9 had a stick in label in red stuck in on page 1 saying that if a No.2 motor was not available then a No.1 motor could be used instead (except for model 9.12 for which there was no alternative). There was also red overprint against the actual models themselves in the Outfit 7/8 manual.
- 1952
- In the 0 manual 'How to Begin' section, the last sentence is changed - 'further information' changed to 'advice' and 'Information Service' added
- Renumbering of parts 117 -> 168d - Affected the Sets Content list and the Meccano Parts lists.
- Models 7.17 & 8.21 had their motor changed from a No.2 C/W motor to a No.1 C/W motor in 4/52 and the pictures/figures were replaced. Also all the text was amended.
- Model 8.19 had its motor changed from a No.2 C/W motor to a E20R motor in 4/52 and the pictures/figures were replaced. Also all the text was amended.
- From manuals dated 04/52 manuals in the 'Meccano Magazine' section on the inside front cover, the two sentences were changed from '...particulars. Supplies of the magazines are very limited owing to the paper shortage' to '...particulars and a specimen copy. You can order the magazine from your Meccano dealer, or from any newsagent.'
- From manuals dated 04/52 manuals in the 'Meccano Magazine' section on the inside front cover the words 'for outfits of all sizes' is deleted. Note that not all 04/52 manuals were amended.
- On manuals only, from 9/52, at the end of the 'Meccano Services' section on the inside front cover, the address of Meccano Ltd was added. However some later 1952 and early 1953 manuals have been seen without this amendment.
- From 1952 there is normally a Meccano magazine/Guild application form stapled in the ends of the manual. These manuals also have a * on the front cover of a manuals next to the manual number. Some early 1952 manuals do not have this.
- In December 52 the price of the Meccano Magazine went up to 1/-. Manuals which were in stock at that time had the Meccano magazine application form overprinted in red stating the price increase. This has been seen in the following manuals - Outfit 4 dated 1/53, Outfit 7/8 dated 4/52.
- On manuals from 12/52, the words 'Registered Trade Mark' have been added to the front cover under the word 'MECCANO'
- 1953
- From manuals dated 06/53 a number of parts (104, 105, 106a, 127, 129, 131, 132, 142, 152) which had been obsolete since the war were deleted from the Meccano Parts lists.
- The Meccano Magazine application form was updated for the new price of 1/- for the Meccano Magazine by manuals dated 03/53.
- From 06/53 in the 'Meccano Magazine' section on the inside front cover, the second sentence was amended from '...suggestions for new Meccano parts...' to '...suggestions for new Meccano mechanisms...'
- As the No.2 clockwork motor was discontinued in the middle of 1951, the No.9 manual models were modified in the 1953 manual. - Models 9.3 & 9.16 now used the No.1 clockwork motor and model 9.21 the E20R. Model 9.12 was replaced with a new model as the clock needed the No.2 clockwork motor
- Model 9.3 had its motor changed from a No.2 C/W motor to a No.1 C/W motor (6/53). Fig 9.3a was replaced. The text was amended in the following sections 'Rear Rollers' & 'Power Unit & Gearing'
- Model 9.12 which used the No.2 C/W motor, was replaced with a new model - 'Articulated Van'. This model has similarities to the 1937-47 set 8 model. (Note that this particular model only appears in this one edition (6/53) of the No.9 manual.)
- Model 9.16 had its motor changed from a No.2 C/W motor to a No.1 C/W motor (6/53). The main figure and Fig 9.16d were replaced. The text was amended in the following sections 'Construction of the Base', 'The Tower' & 'Operating Mechanism / Construction of the Lifts'
- Model 9.21 had its motor changed from a No.2 C/W motor to a E20R motor (6/53). Most figures were replaced and the text totally reformatted with many changes to the text.
Text and Formatting Changes
The accompanying text to a number of models was amended or reformatted during the period. This has been seen for the following models, but no doubt there are others.
It should be noted that these dates are approximate as the changes were not necessarily done at the beginning of the year. Also occasionally not all the manuals which a model appeared in would all be updated at exactly the same time.
Text amended
    0.13 - (4/49)
    2.1 - Text added - (4/52)
    2.7 - Text added - (4/52)
    3.5 (Para 2 & 3) - (4/52)
    3.7 (para 5) - (4/52)
    3.9 Para added - (4/52)
    4.7 (para 2) - (4/49)
    4.14 (para 4) - (4/50)
    4.20 (para 1) (4/52)
    4.25 (para 1) - (4/50)
    4.25 (para 1) - (4/52)
    5.1 (para 1) (4/52)
    5.2 (para 3) (4/52)
    5.9 (Fig 5.9b - Pointer 16 -> 13 (this is an error) (5/50)
    5.11 (Extra para added in at end) - (4/52)
    5.23 (para 1) (4/52)
    6.5 (para 3) - (4/50
    6.13 (new para at end) - (4/52)
    7.16 (para 6) - (3/53)
    7.17 - Text and figs amended due to motor change - (4/52)
    7.25 (2nd page, right hand column, para 4) - (4/49)
    8.13 - On Fig. 8.13a Number 19 -> 1 (This is an error introduced) (10/51)
    8.19 - Text and figs amended due to motor change in 1952 - see above)
    8.25 (middle column - extra para added in at bottom) - (4/52)
    9.14 - 'Hoisting Gear' Para 2 (6/53)
Text reformatted
    0.14 - (after 3/48 and by 9/48) - (No.1 7/48 not yet examined)
    0.18 - (4/49)
    1.4 - (7/48)
    1.22 - (Wider spacing) - (after 3/48 and by 9/48) - (No.1 7/48 not yet examined)
    2.12 (para 3) - (10/50)
    2.25 (para 3) - (after 4/49 and by 3/50) - (No.2 7/49 not yet examined)
    3.4 Note - (3/50)
    3.6 (para 1) - (3/50)
    3.6 (para 2) - (4/49)
    3.12 (para 4) - (4/49)
    3.13 - (10/52)
    3.16 (para 2) - (7/49)
    3.19 (last para) - (7/49)
    3.21 (para 1) - (3/50)
    3.23 (para 2) - (7/49)
    4.10 (para 1) - (4/50)
    4.13 (para 3) - (4/50)
    4.21 (para 2) - (4/50)
    4.24 (para 2) - (4/50)
    4.24 (motor note) - (4/49)
    5.7 (para 2 - (4/50)
    5.10 (para 2) - (after 5/50 and by 10/50) (6/50 manuals not yet examined)
    5.17 (para 1) - (4/50)
    5.17 (last para) - (4/49)
    5.24 (last para) - (4/49)
    5.25 (para 5) - (4/49)
    7.4 (page 2, para 5) - (4/50)
    7.8 (para 3) - (4/50)
    7.12 (para 7) - (4/50)
    7.14 (para 2) - (4/50)
    7.16 (para 4) - (4/50)
    7.16 (last three paras) - (1952 to make room for 7.17 when modified for different motor - see above)
    7.22 (para 8) - (4/50)
    7.24 (2nd page, para 4) - (4/50)
    7.25 (2nd page, right hand column, para 4) - (4/50)
    8.2 (para 3) - (by 10/51)
    8.2 (para 4 & 2nd column) - (4/50)
    8.3 (para 4 (4/50
    8.3 - (Motor note) - (10/51)
    8.5 (para 5) - (4/49)
    8.8 (para 1) - (10/51)
    8.12 (para 1) - (10/51)
    8.16 (2nd page, 2nd column, para 1 (4/50)
    8.19 (2nd page, para 7 & 3rd page, para 1 & 2) - (4/50)
    8.21 (para 3 & last para) - (4/50)
    8.23 (last para) - (4/50)
    8.24 (2nd last para) - (4/50)
Model Parts List
    1.7 - 1 of 40 added - (9/52 for set 1 - Not seen in 12/52 set 2 or 9/52 set 0A)