Meccano Manuals
Changes to the manuals during the era
In the smaller sets most of the existing models were kept although many had minor alterations to use the new/extra parts included in the 1954 outfits and to the show elongated holes in the flexible plates. In the larger sets, because of the more significant outfit contents changes, virtually all the models were new or had very significant redesigns. The instructions for many of those models that continued were substantially rewritten. A new 00 Outfit was introduced in 1954. The 00 Outfit manual was then replaced in a different format in 1956 with many changes to the models. There were no changes to the outfit 0 - 10 models during the period. Click here for more details. All models had a parts list. Errors were corrected in the model descriptions and parts lists in 1956, 1957 & 1958
The No.10 leaflets were supplied in a green folder with gold printing with 'MECCANO' in a wide font. The green has faded / oxidised badly over the years. Some have gone to a yellow/buff colour and others to an olive grey/green. It is known that in those days that the coloured inks used for the folders were quite unstable to light and oxidation effects and in addition the base material probably varied between batches (different suppliers?) which could easily account for the variations seen now. A folder has also been seen with yellow printing instead of the normal gold. At present it is not known whether this was a mistake - perhaps the folders were initially printed in yellow to act as a base for the gold overprinting - or whether a small batch was deliberately printed in yellow.
Worthy of special note are the two manuals of 1954/5 (were there more?) where the print codes were on the front cover instead of the rear. The location on the page is in exactly the same place as it is when on the rear cover. The reason for this is not known, although it could be that the print codes were overprinted after the manuals had been printed and the manuals were put in upside down in the printing machine.
Changes during the era.
It should be noted that these dates are approximate as the changes were not necessarily done at the beginning of the year. Also occasionally not all the manuals which a model appeared in would all be updated at exactly the same time.
- 1954
The initial manuals published in 01/54 for outfits 1, 2 & 3 had an insert for the Meccano Magazine/Meccano Guild application forms which was stapled in the ends of the manuals (like the 1952/3 manuals). These early 1954 manuals also had no set contents lists. From 04/54 all manuals had an extra page included for these items. - 1956
- The front cover of the main manuals changed - Now a yellow cover with a greeny blue band at the bottom with a picture of a Dragline
- Also the page on 'How to continue' was deleted (except for the 7/8 manual which did not have that page, where the 'How to begin the fun' was deleted). A new common 'How to continue' was put on the rear cover. In the 7/8 manual because the 'How to begin the fun' was deleted, the inside front cover was changed to include some of this information.
- The 00 outfit manual was replaced with a new one in a different format and page size with some new models, some deleted and others renumbered. The total number of models changed from 21 -> 20. See model listing pages for details.
- Many models had their parts list corrected in 1956:-
    2.2 - 1 of part 48 -> 1 of part 48a
    2.5 - 2 of 126 -> 1 of 126, 1 of 126a added
    2.12 - 1 of 199 added
    3.13 - 4 of 142c -> 4 of 155
    3.22 - 1 of 16 -> 2 of 16
    3.23 - 2 of 16 -> 3 of 16
    3.26 - 2 of 90a added
    3.28 - 2 of 199 added
    3.33 - 1 of 15b added, 3 of 16 -> 2 of 16
    4.4 - 1 of 187 added
    4.6 - 1 of 155 added
    4.8 - 1 of 52 added, 2 of 54 added
    4.16 - 2 of 54 added
    4.28 - 1 of 17 added
    4.31 - 1 of 17 added, 1 of 213 added
    4.32 - 4 of 16 -> 3 of 16, 1 of 15b -> 2 of 15b
    4.35 - 2 of 18a added
    5.1 - 3 of 22 added
    5.2 - 2 of 22a -> 2 of 22, 4 of 190 -> 3 of 190, 1 of 200 -> 2 of 200
    5.6 - 4 of 190 -> 3 of 190, 1 of 199 -> 2 of 199, 2 of 200 added
    5.10 - 4 of 190 -> 2 of 190, 2 of 200 added
    5.11 - 1 of 15a -> 1 of 15b, 3 of 190 -> 1 of 190, 2 of 200 added
    5.14 - 2 of 190 -> 1 of 190, 1 of 199 added
    5.21 - 2 of 12a added
    5.24 - 1 of 111a -> 2 of 111a, 1 of 190 -> 3 of 190, 2 of 199 deleted
    5.25 - 1 of 199 added
    6.3 - 4 of 190 -> 5 of 190
    6.6 - 1 of 199 -> 2 of 199
    6.9 - 1 of 15a -> 1 of 15
    6.13 - 23 of 24a -> 2 of 24c
    6.14 - 1 of 155 added
    6.17 - 2 of 222 added
    6.22 - 1 of 190 -> 2 of 190, 1 of 199 -> 2 of 199, 2 of 200 deleted
    6.24 - 3 of 10 -> 4 of 10
    7.1 - 8 of 190 -> 6 of 190, 2 of 191a -> 2 of 191, 2 of 199 added, 2 of 212 -> 2 of 212a
    7.4 - 14 of 12 -> 18 of 12, 10 of 48a -> 8 of 48a, 4 of 190 -> 2 of 190, 2 of 200 added
    7.5 - 1 of 18a -> 2 of 18a, 2 of 20b added, 2 of 52 added
    7.6 - 1 of 15b -> 2 of 15b
    7.10 - 6 of 3 added, 4 of 12a added, 4 of 10 -> 8 of 10, 2 of 17 added, 4 of 20b added, 1 of 24a added, 178 of 37a -> 202 of 37a, 156 of 37b -> 180 of 37b, 2 of 48b added, 3 of 111c -> 4 of 111c, 2 of 126 added, 4 of 126a added
    7.11 - 2 of 199 added
    7.13 - 4 of 190 -> 6 of 190, 2 of 200 deleted
    7.14 - 2 of 80c added, 2 of 191 added
    7.21 - 6 of 59 added, 3 of 111c -> 5 of 111c
    8.5 - 2 of 13a -> 1 of 13a, 1 of 14 -> 2 of 14, 2 of 18b added
    8.7 - 2 of 15a -> 3 of 15a, 2 of 17 -> 3 of 17
    8.8 - 2 of 3 added
    8.13 - 1 of 223 -> 2 of 223
    8.16 - 3 of 24a -> 1 of 24a, 2 of 24c added
    8.19 - 2 of 212a added
    8.20 - 1 of 94 added
    9.1 - 3 of 20 -> 2 of 20 - Many models had their text amended to remove errors in 1956:-
    2.30 - Third paragraph
    3.3 - Fourth paragraph
    3.12 - Second paragraph
    3.23 - Second paragraph ('f' missed off 'of')
    3.26 - Fourth paragraph
    3.33 - Seventh paragraph
    4.8 - Second paragraph
    4.28 - Third paragraph
    5.9 - In 'Assembly of the Wheel' - Second paragraph
    5.12 - In 'Construction of the Cab' - First paragraph
    5.18 - Last paragraph
    5.20 - In 'The Wings'
    5.24 - In 'Construction of the Gantry - Second paragraph
    6.23 - In 'The Hay Rake' - Second sentence
    7.2 - In 'Refuse Container' - Sixth paragraph
    7.4 - In 'Details of the Trailer' - Fourth paragraph
    8.5 - In 'Details of the Jib' - Second paragraph
    8.14 - In 'Assembly of the Body' - First paragraph
    8.18 - In 'Construction of the Hull' - Last paragraph
    8.19 - In 'Construction of the Chassis' - First paragraph
    9.1 - In 'The Trailer Brake'
    9.8 - In 'The Mechanism Housing and Clock Face' - A note was added.
    9.20 - In 'The Supporting Piers and Approaches - First paragraph - 1957
- Parts 230 & 231 were introduced - Affected the Meccano parts page.
- On the inside front cover under 'The Meccano Magazine' in second paragraph 'and books of interest to boys' deleted
- Change in address of how to join the Meccano Guild and increase in price of the Meccano Magazine (1/- -> 1/3) and subscription price (14/- -> 18/-).
- In the manual for Outfit 0, on page 2 in 'The Meccano Magic Motor' one of the examples using a Magic Motor was corrected from 0.19 -> 0.15
- A few models had their text amended to remove errors in 1957:-
    3.6 - First paragraph
    4.24 - First paragraph
    5.26 - In 'Engine House' - First paragraph - 1958
- Front and rear covers of the main manuals changed slightly. Greeny blue band at bottom of front cover changed to a mid blue and the words 'Instructions for' omitted. On the rear cover the colour of road wheels changed from red to blue.
- A few models had their parts list corrected in 1958:-
    2.22 - 1 of 212 added
    5.15 - 1 of 216 added
    7.15 - 8 of 190 -> 6 of 190, 1 of 191 -> 2 of 191, 6 of 192 -> 5 of 192, 2 of 200 added - A few models had their text amended to remove errors in 1958:-
    0.2 - Text Added
    2.18 - First paragraph
    8.17 - In 'Construction of the Chassis' - Fourth paragraph - Fig 0.6a associated with model 0.6 was changed so that it was no longer inside a circle
Changes in Outfit 10 Leaflets
The following amendments have been noted in the model leaflets:-
- Leaflet 10.2
- 1956 - The order of parts 20b and 19b in the Parts Required List was corrected.
- Leaflet 10.5
- 1956 - In the Parts Required List - 2 of 55 -> 2 of 55a.
- Leaflet 10.11
- 1955 - On page 2 "The Chassis", paragraph 2. Text change - "...two 5½" angle girders on each side..." -> "...two 4½" angle girders on each side...".
- 1956
- On page 4 "The Engine Unit and Clutch", paragraph 5. Text change - "...collar (22) on the clutch output shaft (fig 6)." -> "...collar (22) (fig 6) on the clutch output shaft.".
- On page 6 "The Drive to the Converyers", paragraph 3. Text change - "...fixed on the 3½" rod..." -> "...fixed on the 4" rod...".
- In the Parts Required List - 8 of 2a -> 48 of 2a.
- The order of parts 19g, 20, 20b, 19b and 20a in the Parts Required List was corrected.
- Leaflet 10.12
- 1956 - The order of parts 20b and 19b in the Parts Required List was corrected.
- Leaflet 10.18
- 1961 - The motor was changed from the E20R to E15R.
- Leaflet 10.19
- 1961 - Was the motor changed from the E20R to E15R (Leaflet not yet examined).