Meccano Manuals
Pre-war - Other
NEW - Now includes downloads of most of this eras manuals - NEW
This section covers all the non outfit manuals issued Pre-war
The following manuals are included in this section. A number of these were also published in American editions as noted below:-
The Meccano Motor : 1912/13
Prize Models (Liverpool and America) : 1914/15
Prize Models (America only) : 1915/16
The Meccanograph (Liverpool and America) : 1916
The Meccano Books of New/Prize Models : 1928 - 1934
Super Model Leaflets (Liverpool and America) : 1921 - 1936
Standard Mechanisms (Liverpool and America) : 1925 - 1936
Standard Mechanisms - Post-war (America only) : c1949
How to Use Meccano Parts : 1930 - 1935
The Meccano Steam Engine : 1929 - 1930
The 1915/16 Prize Models manual that was only available in America was completely different to the 1914/5 edition. It incudes a variety of models that were new in the 1916 Book 1 manual
Note that from 1928 to 1936, the 'Standard Mechanisms' and 'How to Use Meccano Parts manuals' were included in the hardback bound outfit manuals supplied with the largest outfits.
So far three American editions of the pre-war Standard Mechanisms manual has been found (1928-9). However there are likly to others as the manual was advertised in American manuals from 1926.
The post-war edition of the Standard Mechanisms manual was published for America only. This a cut-down version of the pre-war manual with a number of mechanisms deleted - mainly all those mechanisms which featured motors or the pre-war electrical parts. It is not dated, but is thought to date from the late 1940s during the time that H. Hudson Dodson were promoting Meccano in the USA.