Meccano Manuals

Manual Search

Due to the sheer number of Meccano Ltd. manuals / instructions on this website, it can often be difficult to find the desired manual. To overcome this I have created this search facility.

Most casual searchers will use the keyword search facility below to find the required manual(s), using set/outfit number or name and year etc.
Some tips to help you:-
1. Prior to the late 1960s, Meccano sets were called Meccano outfits. With the exception of the 1970s multikits, they have never been called 'kits'.
2. When searching for manuals for sets/outfits with single/double digit numbers, it is better, for example, to search for 'outfit+5' rather than 'outfit 5'.
3. When searching for Super Model Leaflets use 'SML'. For a specific one, it is better to use (for example) 'SML+8' (as noted above).
4. Note that it will also find words/phrases which are part of longer words.
5. Note that the search is NOT case sensitive.

For those who wish there is also the facility to search on the manual print code/reference numbers and/or Kendrick's USA Reference Number.

Note that you can combine a keyword search with a print code/reference search.

Note that you also have the option to include all the Meccano advertising brochures/leaflets in the search as well.

Enter keywords (max 5) to search on the associated text of the manuals - Help

Enter all or part of the Print Code/Reference
(Note - Ignore any country suffixes)

Enter all or part of Kendrick's USA Reference Number


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