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Construction Sets

Build-O-Fun and Constri were the same simple plastic construction system.

Build-O-Fun was made by Tupperware in both the UK and the USA in (at least) the 1960s and 1970s. Some of the boxes/leaflets show the Tupperware company to be called Rexall Drug and Chemical Co. and others as Dart Industries Inc. According to Wikipedia this name change occurred in 1977.

Constri was made/marketed in Switzerland by Constri-Vertrieb AG, 5200, Brugg

Manufacturer / Distributor

Build-O-Fun made by Tupperware
in Orlando, Florida, USA and London, UK
Constri distributed by Constri-Vertrieb AG, 5200, Brugg, Switzerland

Below there are manuals/leaflets and photos which can be downloaded by clicking on the appropriate image.


The Build-O-Fun set 101 instruction, printed in the UK
(Added 14/02/2022)

Photos of Build-O-Fun set 101. Made in the USA
(Added 14/02/2022)

The Build-O-Fun set 102 instruction leaflet, printed in the USA
(Added 14/02/2022)

A photo of Build-O-Fun set 102
(Added 14/02/2022)


Photos of a Constri set 1
(Added 17/02/2022)

Photos of a Constri set 8
(Added 17/02/2022)

Photos of a Constri set 12
(Added 17/02/2022)

Photos of a Constri set 751
(Added 17/02/2022)

Photos of a few pages of a Constri instruction leaflet
(Added 17/02/2022)