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Chad Valley Construction Sets

Chad Valley had a range of Bridge & Roadways, Girder & Panel Buildings and Hydro Dynamic Construction Sets. These were used to make models of bridges, Girder Framed Buildings and Chemical Plants using plastic components. They were sold in the UK under licence from the USA company, Kenner. They were sold from the late 1950s. Not sure when production stopped.

Manufacturer / Distributor

An unknown company from

Below there are manuals/instructions which can be downloaded by clicking on the appropriate image.

The 'Planning Book' for the Junior Bridge and Roadways set. Dated 1958.

The 'Planning Book' for the No.4 Bridge and Roadways set. Dated 1958.

The 'Planning Book' for the No.5 Bridge and Roadways set. Dated 1958.

The 'Planning Book' for the No.2 and No.3 Girder and Panel Building sets. Dated 1958.

The Project Book for No. 8 and No.9 Motorised Girder & Panel and Bridge & Roadways Building Sets. Dated 1961.

An instruction leaflet for the Bridge and Roadways sets.

An instruction leaflet for the Motorised Girder & Panel and Bridge & Roadways Building sets.

A leaflet detailing spares for Girder & Panel and Bridge & Roadways Building sets.

A leaflet detailing spares for Girder & Panel and Bridge & Roadways Building sets.

A note giving guidance on dismantling girders from the uprights.

An instruction leaflet for using the Hydro Dynamic sets.

The project book for the No. 11 and No. 12 Hydro Dynamic sets. Dated 1963.

A photo of the box of the No. 11 Hydro Dynamic set.