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Detskaya Igra (детскaя игра)

Detskaya Igra (детскaя игра - meaning Child Play) was like Staba. It was made in the Ukraine by the Kiev Factory of Household Appliances (Киевский завод бытовых приборов) from 1955 to 1965. The Auto Constructor (Авто-конструктор) set looks to be a direct copy of the Staba set F (Fahrzeug Baukasten). The company also did other construction sets called Universal Konstruktor (универсальный конструктор, which in absence of manuals is assumed to be also copies of Staba.

Manufacturer / Distributor

Kiev Factory of Household Appliances, Ukraine (Киевский завод бытовых приборов)

Below there are manuals/leafets which can be downloaded by clicking on the appropriate image.

A Detskaya_Igra Auto Konstrukter (Авто-конструктор) set manual from 1957.

Photos of a Detskaya_Igra Auto Konstrukter (Авто-конструктор) set from 1957.
Note that the last photo is of the Staba set F which this set is a copy of.

Photos of a Detskaya_Igra Universal Konstrukter (универсальный конструктор) set.