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Detskiy Konstruktor

Detskiy Konstruktor (Детский Конструктор) is a simple Meccano-like construction system made mainly from anodised aluminium and is thought to have 10mm hole spacing. It was made in Tambov, Russia by the Tambovapparat plant (з-д «Тамбоваппарат», Тамбов) from at least the 1960s to the early 1980s.

Manufacturer / Distributor

Tambovapparat plant, Tambov, Russia (з-д «Тамбоваппарат», Тамбов)

Below there are manuals/leaflets which can be downloaded by clicking on the appropriate image.

A Detskiy Konstruktor(1) set manual leaflet - date unknown.
(Added 02/11/2019)

A Detskiy Konstruktor set 2 manual for about 1981.
(Added 02/11/2019)

Another Detskiy Konstruktor set manual for about 1981. Unfortunately it is missing a few model pages.
(Added 20/02/2021)

Photos of a Detskiy Konstruktor set 2 from about 1981.
(Added 02/11/2019)

Photos of a Detskiy Konstruktor set from the 1960s.
(Added 02/11/2019)

Photos of a Detskiy Konstruktor set.
(Added 02/11/2019)