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Edilizia Construction Sets

Edilizia was a system for making buildings. It appears to be all wood - even the panels, which in some similar systems are made of card. It was made in Italy, by M.B. Giocattolo (in English - M.B. Toys). At the top of the manual it says "Premiato Alla 1e Mostra del Giocattolo Italiano - Milano" which means "Awarded at the 1st Italian Toy Exhibition - Milan". The 1st Italian Toy Exhibition in Milan was held in September 1929 (see below for a copy of an advertising poster), so this set is likely to date from shortly afterwards - say 1930.

Manufacturer / Distributor

M.B. Giocattolo, Italy.

Below there are various photos/manuals which can be downloaded by clicking on the appropriate image.

The Edilizia Moderna manual for set 1.
(Added 02/03/2022)

Photos of an Edilizia set
(Added 02/03/2022)

A poster for the 1st Italian Toy Exhibition in Milan dated 1929
(Added 02/03/2022)