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- B
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- Bill Deezy
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- Burgstadter Metallbaukasten(2)
- Burschi
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- Construc
- Construcciones Metalicas R
- Construcciones_Metalicas
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- Construct
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- Constructo(6) (Golden State)
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- Constructor(0)
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- Constructus
- Construire
- Construkit
- Construmec
- Construmecanico
- Construments
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- Cool Steel
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- Cozzone
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- Cub Builders
- Cubus
- Curtain Wall Builder
- D
- D.R.P. Konstruktion
- D.V.s Ingenior
- Dado Cubes/Squares
- Dan Dare
- De Ingenieur
- Delta
- Delta-X (a)
- Delta-X (b)
- Deltax
- Demand Media
- Den Danske Ingenior
- Den Lille Ingenior
- Der Eisenkonstrukteur
- Der Junge Baumeister(1)
- Der Junge Baumeister(2)
- Der Junge Konstrukteur
- Der Junge Mechaniker
- Der Kleine Elekrotechniker
- Der Kleine Elektro-Ingenieur
- Der Kleine Ingenieur[1]
- Der Kleine Ingenieur[2]
- Der Kleine Ingenieur[3]
- Der Kleine Ingenieur[4]
- Der Kleine Konstrukteur(1)
- Der Kleine Konstrukteur[2]
- Der Kleine Konstrukteur[3]
- Der Kleine Konstrukteur[4]
- Der Kleine Techniker[1]
- Der Kleine Techniker[2]
- Der Kleine Techniker[3]
- Der Konstrukteur FMF
- Detskaya Igra
- Detskiy Konstruktor
- Diablock
- Die Ketten-Brucke
- Dietel Plastic Baukasten
- Dinky Builder
- Disco Ludendo
- Distler Giant
- Ditmar
- Doco
- Dometo
- Donald Arquitecto/Architect
- Dorando
- Du-En-Loz
- Du Jeune Ingénieur
- Duplex Standard Construction Toy
- Dural Baukasten
- Duraleg
- Duraluminium Construction Set
- Dux-Auto
- Dux Metall-Flugzeug
- Dux Universal
- E
- E.W.G.
- E.Z.
- Easy-Do
- Ecepe
- Edilizia
- Edilizia Moderna
- Edison
- Edison Elektro
- Edobaud
- Educational Toy
- Efel(2)
- Efel(3)
- Eiffel(1)
- Eitech
- Elba
- El Constructor Americano
- Electric
- Elektriskais Konstruktors
- Elektro
- Elektro-Tekhnika
- Elektrokonstruktor
- Elektromehaniskais Konstruktors
- Elektromekhanichen Konstruktor
- Elektromekhanicheskiy Konstruktor
- Elet
- Elex
- El Experto Mecanico
- Elgin
- El Ingeniero Infantil
- El Ingeniero Mecanico(1)
- El Ingeniero Mecanico(2)
- El Inventor
- Elma
- Elmec
- El Mecanico
- El Mecanico Argentino
- El Mechaniki Hdith
- El Nuevo Ingeniero Argentino
- El Pequeno Armador
- El Tecnico
- Eltex
- EMekhanichen Konstruktor
- Empire Educational Kit
- Engineerit
- Engineero(1)
- Engineero(2)
- Entech
- Erection
- Erector
- Erector Air-Kraft/Air-Craft
- Erector Constructor 5 in 1
- Erector Hudson
- Erector Senior
- Erector Skyscraper
- Erector Zeppelin
- Erecto[1]
- Erecto[2]
- Erecto[3]
- Erekit
- Erko
- Escho
- Esco
- Eureka!
- Eureka[1]
- Exact
- Exacto
- Exin Castillos/Castles
- Ezy Bilt
- F-G
- Fabro
- Fai Meccanica
- Fairymark
- Falco Elet
- Falcon Building Lumber
- Falco[1]
- Falco[2]
- Falt
- Falterbot
- Fancy Construction Toy
- Fantasie 'R'
- Fantazer
- Fastech
- Favorit
- Feel[1]
- Femepito
- Fermo
- Ferro
- Ferrox
- Feta
- FG Metallbaukasten
- Fifa
- Fips
- Fischer Technik
- Fix
- Flex
- Flexo-Buildo
- Flintwood
- Fokker Technische Bouwdoos
- Forgeacier
- Formator
- Fox Blox
- Frama
- Framus
- Fri-Die
- Frydagh
- Funstruction
- Geco
- Genial
- Geniatus
- Genie
- Geobra
- Gerner
- Gescha
- Gilbert Clock Set
- Gilbert era Meccano
- Gilbert New Wheel Toy
- Gilbert Ride-It Erector
- Gilbert Science Toys
- Gilbert Thatcher Tin Can Toy
- Gio
- Girder and Panel
- Girder and Panel Building Set
- Girder Bilt
- Globus Der Kleine Ingenieur
- Globus Leichtbau
- Gloria
- Gluck
- Gnom
- Goliath
- Good Play[3] ('Metallbaukasten')
- Gordon
- Gothischer Baustyl
- Grossblock
- H-J
- Hame
- Handy Craft
- Handy Set
- Hanse
- Hao Wang
- Happynak
- Hassia
- Hausser's Kunstler Baukasten
- Hawe
- Haynes
- HB-Spielzeus-Bremen
- Heiko
- Heller-Mecanicus
- Hellers_Stahlbau
- Hersa
- Hoha
- Hollywood U-Build-It
- Holzbaukasten
- Hornby Gare Demontable
- House of Marbles
- Hustler Action Toy Builder
- Hustler Buildkraft
- HW Metall-Baukasten
- Hybridex
- Ideaal
- Ideal Mecanique
- Ik Bouw / Je Construis
- Il Balilla Meccanico
- Il Meccanico
- Il Meccanico 900
- Il Meccanico Italiano
- Il Metaltecnico
- Imperator
- Imperial War Museum
- Industrie
- Ingenieria Mecanica Infantil (Juego de)
- Ingenio(1)
- Ingenio(3)
- Ingenium
- Innor
- Instruct-O-Scale
- Instructo
- Intelligent DIY Models
- Inventor
- Inventrix
- Invicta
- Iron Commander
- Iron Constructer, The
- Iron Constructer and Demonstrator, The Practical
- Italmecc
- Jack and Jill Dandy
- Java
- Jep - Je-il - Jiel
- Jeu de Construction
- Jeujura
- Jeujura Construire
- Jeulin
- Jiffy Builder
- Joc Mecano
- Jolei
- Jr Engineer
- Juego Metalico de Armar F.M.
- Juga
- Jugetes Instructivos
- Juneero
- Junior(2)
- Junior Engineer
- Junior Mechanic
- K
- K.do
- Karl Marx Rocket Builder
- Keim
- Keller
- Kelmar Pow'r House
- Kettles Konstructional Kit
- KiCo
- Kiddicraft
- Kiko
- Kinco Engineer
- Kinco Engineering
- Kinder-Konstruktor
- Kinema
- Kirschner's Eisenbahn-Metallbaukasten
- Kismonte
- Kis Technikus
- Kitano
- Kitou
- Kitspock
- Klax-Toy
- Klett-Marklin-Technik
- Klipit
- Kliptiko
- Knights Head
- Knirps(1)
- Knirps(2)
- Knoll
- Kobler
- Kombination
- Komeb
- Komplekt Zakonstruirane Ot Metal
- Konstrukta
- Konstruktion
- Konstruktionspiel
- Konstruktionsspiele
- Konstruktor(2)
- Konstruktor(3)
- Konstruktor(4)
- Konstruktor(6)
- Konstruktor(10)
- Konstruktor(11)
- Konstruktor(12)
- Konstruktor(13)
- Konstruktor(14)
- Konstruktor(15)
- Konstruktor(16)
- Konstruktor(18)
- Konstruktor(20)
- Konstruktor(21)
- Konstruktor(22)
- Konstruktor(23)
- Konstruktor(24)
- Konstruktor(25)
- Konstruktor(26)
- Konstruktor(27)
- Konstruktor(28)
- Konstruktor(29)
- Konstruktor(30)
- Konstruktor(31)
- Konstruktor(32)
- Konstruktor(33)
- Konstruktor-III
- Konstruktor-Mekhanik[2] (Moscow/Vinnytsia}
- Konstruktor-Shkol'nik
- Konstruktor K-115
- Konstruktor Mal'chish-Kibal'chis
- Konstruktor Malyutka
- Konstruktor Mekhanicheskiy
- Konstruktor Mekhanik(3) (Petrovsk)
- Konstruktor Mekhanik(4) (Cheboksary)
- Konstruktor Mekhanik(5) (Ufa)
- Konstruktor Mekhanik(6)
- Konstruktor Mekhanik(7) (Leningrad)
- Konstruktor Metallicheskiy
- Konstruktor Modelist
- Konstruktor Shkol'nik
- Konstruktor Shkol'nik(2)
- Konstruktor Shkol'nik(3)
- Konstruktor Shkol'nyi
- Konstruktor Stahl-Baukasten
- Konstruktors[1]
- Konstruktors[2]
- Konstruktor Universal'nyi
- Konstruktor Universal'nyi(2)
- Konstruktor Voennaya Tekhnika
- Konstruktor[7]
- Konstruktor[17]
- Konstruktören
- Konstrux
- Koster
- Kran Podemnyi
- Kruger's Maschinenbau
- Kuko
- Kustom Metal
- Kwik Builder
- KW Metallbaukasten
- L
- L'edifice
- L'Ingenieur Constructeur
- L'Ingenieur Francais
- La Construction Metallique
- La Meccanica Applicata
- Le Charpento(a)
- Le Charpento(b)
- Le Constructeur
- Lectrokit
- Ledom
- Lega Toys
- Leichtmetall-Konstruktions-Baukasten
- Leichtmetall Baukasten
- Le Jeune Mecanicien
- Le Metallo
- Leonardo
- Le Petit Artisan de la Mecanique
- Le Petit Campeur
- Le Petit Constructeur
- Le Roi des Constructeurs
- Lil'N-Gineer
- Lilienthal
- Lincoln Logs
- Lineol
- Linka
- Linx
- Lionel
- Little Engineer(1)
- Little Engineer[2]
- Little Genius
- Little Giant Model Maker
- Little Jim(1)
- Little Jim(2)
- Little Jim(3)
- Locarno
- Loc Bloc
- Lone Star
- Lott's Bricks
- Lynncraft
- Lynx
- M
- M'Tek
- M.A.M.
- Maakeets
- Maba
- Mac-Siccar
- Mac et Nick
- Machino
- Macon
- Madler's Metall-Bau-Kunst
- Mafell
- Magneto
- Magra
- Main Street
- Maison Alsaciennes
- Majster Kowicz
- Mak-A-Toy
- Make-And-Know
- Makeblock
- Makit
- Maksimko
- Makumal
- Maly Inzynier
- Maly Konstruktor
- Malysh
- Mamod Steam Engines
- Manufax
- Marklin-Rex
- Marklin Aeroplane
- Marklin Auto
- Marklin Elex
- Marklin Marbi
- Marklin Metall
- Marklin Minex
- Marklin_plus
- Maschinenbau
- Master Builder
- Masterbuilder
- Matador
- Match Box Construction Set(2)
- Match Box Construction Set(3)
- Match Box Construction Set(4)
- Matex
- Ma Tour Construit
- Maxhina
- Maxitoys
- Mayko
- Mebaka
- Mebau
- Mec-Bras
- Meca
- Mecabel
- Meca Labo
- Mecanex
- Mecanic(1)
- Mecanic(2)
- Mecanic(3)
- Mecanic(4)
- Mecanic(5)
- Mecanic(6)
- Mecanica Infantil
- Mecanica Recreativa
- Mecanic[7]
- Mecanikit
- Mecano A.L.N.
- Mecano[2]
- Mecano[3]
- Mecavion
- Meccano 'Wide Beam'
- Meccano-Brik
- Meccano - Gilbert
- Meccano-Marklin
- Meccano-Morecraft
- Meccano Aeroplane Constructor(1)
- Meccano Aeroplane Constructor(2)
- Meccano Elektron
- Meccanoico
- Meccano Kemex
- Meccano Mexico
- Meccano Motor Car Constructor(1)
- Meccano Motor Car Constructor(2)
- Meccano Radio Set
- Meccano Spain
- Meccano Speedboat
- Meccano System X
- Mech-Builder
- Mechamo
- Mechanic(1)
- Mechanical
- Mechanics (Laboratory)
- Mechanic[2]
- Mechanika
- Mechanikus
- Mechanik[1]
- Mechanik[2]
- Mechanimals
- Mechanix(1)
- Mechanix(2) by Zephyr
- Mechanix(3) Construction
- Mechanix(4)(B and M)
- Mechano
- Mechantrix
- Mechatronica
- Meco
- Mecotec
- Mecotech
- Mehaniskais Konstruktors Skolens
- Mehano(Tehnika) Electrical
- Mehanotehnika
- Mek-Struct
- Mek-Trax
- Mekanik(1)
- Mekanik(2)
- Mekanik(3)
- Mekaniker'n
- Mekanik Lada
- Mekhanicheski? Konstruktor Shkol'nik
- Mekkano
- Meknex
- Meko
- Mentor
- Mercator
- Merco
- Merkur(1)
- Merkur(2)
- Merkur Alfi
- Merkur Elektro
- Merkur Elektrus
- Merkur Metropol
- Metaal Bouwdoos
- Metaal Constructie Set
- Metaba
- Metabo
- Meta Build
- Metacon
- Metaflex
- Metal Brick
- Metal Bricks
- Metal Builder
- Metal Construction and Building Outfit
- Metalcraft(1) - Aero and Train
- Metalcraft(2)
- Metal Dino/ Metal Kit
- Metal DIY Model
- Metalgenio
- Metalin
- Metaling
- Metal Kits
- Metall-Baukasten(1)
- Metall-Baukasten[2]
- Metall-Baukasten[3]
- Metall-Baukasten[4]
- Metall-Baukasten[5]
- Metall-Baukasten[8]
- Metall-Baukasten[11]
- Metall Baukasten mit B-M
- Metallbaukasten[6]
- Metallbaukasten[7]-HO
- Metallbaukasten[10]
- Metall Baukasten[12]
- Metallbaukasten[15] (rcee)
- Metallic
- Metallica
- Metallicheskiy Konstruktor
- Metallico
- Metallirakennussarja
- Metallix(1)
- Metallix[2]
- Metallo(2)
- Metallo-Technic
- Metallo-Trigon
- Metallo Konstruktor
- Metallo[3]
- Metallus
- Metal Macano
- Metalmaster
- Metal Mechanic
- Metalor
- Metal Tech
- Metaltecnik
- Metalu
- Metal Workshop
- Metamech
- Metaplan
- Meteoor
- Meteor
- Mettabuild
- Meweka
- Mex(1)
- Mex(2)
- M F C Metall Baukasten
- Mickey Mouse
- Micmac
- Micro-Mecano 'Guina'
- Micul Mecanic
- Mignon
- Migros
- Mikla
- Milana
- Milo
- Mimikry Wehrmachts-Metall-Baukasten
- Miniator
- Miniatur
- Minibrix
- Miniplex
- Minitech
- Mi Taller
- M K A(1) Metall Baukasten
- MKA(2) - Der Kleine Praktikant
- Mladost(1)
- Mladost(2)
- Mlady Stavitel
- Mlody Konstruktor
- Mobaco
- Mobilo
- Moco
- Model-It
- Model Bridge
- Model Builder
- Model Engineering
- Modelit
- Modelix
- Modello[1]
- Modello[2]
- Modern-Morecraft
- Moko's Simplex
- Molecki
- Mont' Vite
- Montage
- Monteur
- Montex(1)
- Montex(2)
- Montix
- Moov
- Motec
- Motorcycle by Polylong
- Mountjoy
- Mowe
- Mr Mechanic
- Multi-Builder
- Multi-Make
- Multiform
- Multimoteur
- Multimotore
- Musala
- N-Q
- N-G-Neero
- Necobo
- Neuer Stabchen-Bau-Kasten
- Noma Boomtown
- Norelco Mechanical Engineer
- Nouvelle Architecture Francais
- Nuts and Bolts
- Olympia
- Onado
- O Pequeno Mecânico
- Opset Letrixmec
- Opset Metalmec
- Oregion
- Orsta
- Our Boys
- Pa-Di-Ca-Co
- Pajtas
- Palikit
- Pehl's Technik
- Pennybrix
- Pequeno Ingeniero Mecano
- Perfector
- Peugeot
- Pfeida
- Pfiffikus
- Phantasie
- Philiform
- Philips
- Picabrix
- Pin-It
- Pin-Tung
- Pinit
- Pioneer
- Pionier
- Pionierul Constructor
- Pionir
- Pitt
- Plano
- Plasticant
- Plasticant Mobilo
- Plasticart/Plasticon
- Plastic Mechanix
- Plasticon
- Plastikano(1)
- Plastikano(2)
- Plastruct
- Playablemetal
- Playful Engineer
- Playtown
- Polyko
- Polykon
- Polylong
- Polylong Type sets
- Polytechnic
- Polytest
- Ponta
- Pontifex
- Pony
- Popular
- Porter
- Prefabo
- Premier
- Press-Fix
- Prestacon
- Primus
- Prince William
- Profilo
- Proto
- Prototypia
- Puck
- Puli
- Pulko
- Punch
- Pyfyly
- Pygmee
- Quick
- R-S
- Racing by Polylong
- Rasti
- Rasti-Mec
- Rasti Tecnico
- Record
- Rehburger
- Rekord
- Rex[1]
- Rex[2]
- Rhocano
- Riag
- Richter Architectural Models
- Rig Out Oneself
- Rivarossi
- Riviton
- Robbedoes aan de Bouw
- Robo
- Roco
- Rodopi
- Rur
- Russian Meccano
- RWG Baumeister
- Sachsenmeister
- Sagesse
- Sako
- Sakolo
- Samlo
- Samodelkin
- Saturn
- Schefflers Metallbaukasten
- Schloss Baukasten
- Schuco
- Schwerka
- Science Box/Robobox
- Science Club
- Scientific Bouwdoos
- Seeger
- Sel'khoztekhnika
- Seymour Airplane Factory
- Sico
- Siemens-Baukasten
- Siemens-Electro-Bouwdoos
- Signalling Equipment
- Simplico
- Sio Montage
- Sio Sioliet
- Skipper Toy
- Sky-Hi
- Sky-Scraper
- Smart Theory
- Snap-It
- Snapsticks
- Solid
- Solido
- Sonneberger
- Spedicon
- Speedilox
- Spirou Construit
- Splintofix
- Spranger
- Sprio
- S S S
- Sta-Lox
- Staal-Bouw
- Staba(1)
- Staba(2)
- Stabchen Baukasten
- Stabil
- Stabila
- Stabilus
- Stabo
- Stahl-Baukasten[1]
- Stahl-Baukasten[2]
- Stahl-Baukasten[3]
- Stahl-Baumeister
- Stahlbaukasten
- Stahlo Klemm
- Standard LR
- Stanlo
- Star
- Stato-Bau
- Steel Builder(1)
- Steel Builder(2)
- Steel Construction Kits
- Steel Craft
- Steel Engineering(1)
- Steel Engineering(2)
- Steel Tec
- Steel Tech
- Steel Tec Starters
- Steel Tek
- Steel Worker
- Steel Works
- Steel World
- Sterling Toy Builder
- Sticky
- Stihl
- Stokys
- Stokys-City
- Strauss
- Stricon
- Struc
- Struct-O-Set
- Structal-Auto
- Structator
- Structeero
- Structex
- Structo
- Structo Auto-Builder
- Structomode
- Struktiron
- Studio Elektrotechnik
- Sunny Toy
- Super City
- Super Mec
- Supersonic
- T
- Tallon Tek
- Tan-Sad
- Tanert
- Tank (Super) by Polylong
- Tecc
- Techmaster
- Technical Kid
- Technical Trainer
- Technico
- Technico/Techniko
- Technik(1)
- Technik92)/Technic(2)
- Technikum
- Technikus(2)
- Technikus(4)
- Techno(2)
- Techno(3)
- Technofix
- Technok
- Technokid(1)
- Tecnic
- Tecnica
- Tecnicavia
- Tecnico
- Tecnikit
- Tecno Meccanico
- Tecnomeccano
- Teco
- Teifoc
- Tekhnicheskaya Igra Konstruktor
- Teknik(1)
- Teknik(2)
- Tekniko
- Tekno(1)
- Tekno(2)
- Tekno(3)
- Teknoset
- Temsi
- Test
- Tetrix
- Thale Metallbaukasten
- Thale Stahlbau Technik
- The Bridge Builder
- The Constructioneer
- The Engineer
- The Gift Box Company
- The Smart Engineer
- Ti-Ba
- Tibi
- Tim
- Timbabild
- Timbercraft
- Tinka-Tek
- Tinkertoy
- Tinkertoy Toy Maker
- Tin Town High Rise
- Titan
- Tivoli
- Toka
- Toy Builder
- Toy Kraft
- Toy Planner
- Toy Town(1)
- Toy Town(2)
- Tranc Madera
- Tri-Sector
- Triangle
- Trix(1) (Germany)
- Trix(2) (UK)
- Trix(3) (France)
- Trix(4) X-Acto (USA)
- Trix(5) (Spain)
- Trix(6) (Netherlands)
- Trix(7) (Italy)
- Trix(8) (Belgium)
- Tronico(a)-(Standard)
- Tronico(b)-(Mini)
- Tronico(c)
- Tronico[d]
- Trumodel
- Trumodel Toys
- Tuba
- Tubeplac
- Tubus
- Tupo/Tuposa
- Turm-Drehkran
- U-Z
- U-Bild-It
- U-Build'Em
- Ubilda
- Ulox
- Uloxette
- Umakit
- Unimetal
- Unistrut
- Universal
- Unsere Taktstrasse
- Vasek
- Vento
- Verkehrs Flugzeuge
- Versor Konstruktor
- Vex Robotics
- Villas
- Vintik I Shputnik
- Vogue
- Vulcain
- Vulcano
- Walther's Ingenieur
- Walther's Record
- Walu-Metall
- Wema
- Wenebrik
- Werner's Metallbaukasten
- Weso
- Westfalia
- Weyco
- Wi-Di
- Wides
- Wilesco
- Wilfred's Heco Baukasten
- Wima
- Wir Bauen Auf
- Wisdom
- Withe
- Wittner
- Wurth
- X (X Constructor)
- X-Tech Metal Construction
- Yoder
- Young Engineer's Set
- Young Engineer(1)
- Young Engineer(2)
- Yunost
- Yunyi Umlets
- Yunyy Elektrik
- Yunyy Konstruktor(1)
- Yunyy Konstruktor(2)
- Z-Op
- Zick-Zack(1)
- Zick-Zack(2)
- Zig-Zag
- Zogel Metallbaukasten
Iron Commander / Lega Toys Construction Sets
Iron Commander / Lega Toys was a Meccano-like construction system, which is classified as a Polylong(1a) type system. Whilst it says Iron Commander on the boxes, It says Lega Toys on many of the manuals - probably the manufacturer. It was probably made in China, dates unknown.
Manufacturer / Distributor
An unknown company from China
Info from the Metal Constructional Systems Database for POLYLONG [1a] (Ref:PLY1a)
2004 to in production in 2022 and continuing
push fit
25 (see comment *1)
50 (approximately)
4.2 (see comment *2)
Nuts: hexagonal
Bolts: pan (crosshead)
Steel with a Bright Zinc plated finish
6.5(see comment *3)
Various Sets (see separate list) from one or more unknown Chinese makers. Most parts as Eitech/Construction but some others. *1 Mod.1 & finer for Motor/Gear Unit.. *2 Square holes in some RCEE sets. *3 6.1 & 7.4 also reported.
Pages from the 'Other Systems Newsletter' which contain information on this system are shown below. They can also be downloaded to your computer if desired here
NOTE : If the 'Other Systems Newsletter' pages for POLYLONG [1a] do not appear in the window below, then refresh the page.
The report can be zoomed into, made full screen or downloaded as a pdf document by using the controls provided
Below there are manuals/leafets which can be downloaded by clicking on the appropriate image.
Page content last updated - 5th September 2019