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Konstruktor(25) was very similar to 1960s Meccano, except that the hole spacing was 11.5mm. The parts numbering was different to Meccano. It was made in Russia in the mid 1980s by the Omsk Instrument-Making Plant named after Kozitsky (Омский приборостроительный завод им. Козицкого)

Manufacturer / Distributor

Omsk Instrument-Making Plant named after Kozitsky, Russia
(Омский приборостроительный завод им. Козицкого)

Below there are manuals/leafets which can be downloaded by clicking on the appropriate image.

Photos of a Konstruktor(25) baby (Малыш) set from 1987.

A Konstruktor(25) manual for sets 1-2

A Konstruktor(25) manual for sets 3-4

Photos of a Konstruktor(25) sets 3-4 from 1986.

A Konstruktor(25) manual for sets 5-6