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Konstruktor Universal'nyi(2)

Konstruktor Universal'nyi(2) (Конструктор универсальный) is a Meccano-like construction system very similar to the German Eitech "Construction" system. It was made in Azov, Russia by the Azov Production Association KPO (Азовское ПО КПО) in the 1980s and 1990s.

Manufacturer / Distributor

Azov Production Association KPO, Russia (Азовское ПО КПО)

Below there are manuals/leafets which can be downloaded by clicking on the appropriate image.

A Konstruktor Universal'nyi(2) set KY0 manual from 1990. Note that the two yellow pages at the end are alternative covers for the manual with virtually identical internals.

Photos of a Konstruktor Universal'nyi(2) set KY0.

A Konstruktor Universal'nyi(2) set KY1 manual.

Photos of a Konstruktor Universal'nyi(2) set KY1.

More photos of a Konstruktor Universal'nyi(2) set KY1.