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Pin-Tung Construction Sets

Pin-Tung construction sets had wooden block held by pins. The name ‘Pin-Tung’ was no doubt alluding to the fact that the drilled oak pieces were held together by pins & tongues. Two ‘matchboxes’ contain primarily pins & two tongues. The ‘pliers’ are designed to pull out pins or for the handle end to push them out. The wheels are cast iron. It dates to around 1907 as that is the date of the patent noted on the front of the box and the manual. It was manufactured in the UK by by 'Tessted Toys That Teach.

Manufacturer / Distributor

The manufacturers logo is 'Tessted Toys That Teach' in the UK

Below there are manuals/leaflets which can be downloaded by clicking on the appropriate image.

Some photos of the Pin-Tung construction system - These came from an Ebay listing.
(Added 02/07/20)

A Pin-Tung manual for set 3
(Added 14/10/20)