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Teifoc Construction Sets

Teifoc was a plastic construction system for making buildings out of miniature bricks using a water soluble mortar to. It is made by Eitech in Germany and is still being made. Eitech also makes the metal construction system 'Construction'. The various bricks are available to buy separately.

Manufacturer / Distributor

Eichsfelder Technik, eitech GMBH, Industriestr. 1, 37308 Pfaffschwende

Below there are manuals/leaflets and photos which can be downloaded by clicking on the appropriate image.

Photos of Teifoc School Education Set 502.
(Added 18/02/2022)

Photos of Teifoc set 3500.
(Added 18/02/2022)

Photos of Teifoc set 4105.
(Added 18/02/2022)

Photos of Teifoc set 4500.
(Added 18/02/2022)

Photos of Teifoc set 4800.
(Added 18/02/2022)

Photos of Teifoc set 8002.
(Added 18/02/2022)