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Tinkertoy Toy Maker

Tinkertoy was originally a simple wooden construction system (later a plastic version was sold). It was made in the US from 1914 right to the present day. It was originally designed by Charles H. Pajeau, who formed the Toy Tinker Company in Evanston, Illinois, to manufacture them. It has subsequently been made by a number of companies, including Gabriel Industries and is currently made by Hasbro.

Hasbro now sell a plastic version of the system along with a wooden 'Classic' version.

The Canadian company Allen Wood Products Ltd. of Ontario also made the sets for a time.

An associated system 'Tinkertoy Toy Maker' was also sold by the Toy Tinker Company and some successor companies.

Manufacturer / Distributor

Originally - Toy Tinker Company in Evanston, Illinois.
Later - Gabriel Industries.
Also - Quester Education Products Company, Bronx, New York.
In Canada - Allen Wood Products Ltd, Ontario, Canada.
Currently - Hasbro

Below there are manuals/leaflets and photos which can be downloaded by clicking on the appropriate image.

Photos of a Tinkertoy set dating from the 1940s made by Toy Tinker Company in Evanston, Illinois.
(Added 28/04/2024)

Photos of a vintage Tinkertoy set made by Toy Tinker Company in Evanston, Illinois.
(Added 28/04/2024)

Photos of a Tinkertoy set made by Quester Education Products Company, Bronx, New York.
(Added 28/04/2024)

Photos of a Tinkertoy set made by Gabriel Industries.
(Added 28/04/2024)

Photos of a Tinkertoy set made by Allen Wood Products Ltd, Ontario, Canada.
(Added 28/04/2024)

Photos of a current plastic Tinkertoy set of 65 parts made by Hasbro.
(Added 28/04/2024)

Photos of a current plastic Tinkertoy set of 100 parts made by Hasbro.
(Added 28/04/2024)

Photos of a current plastic Tinkertoy set of 200 parts made by Hasbro.
(Added 28/04/2024)

Photos of a current plastic Tinkertoy set in a traditional tall round tin made by Hasbro.
(Added 28/04/2024)

Photos of a current wooden Tinkertoy 'Classic' set in a traditional round tin made by Hasbro.
(Added 28/04/2024)

An instruction leaflet for some Tinkertoy sets made by Hasbro (from their website).
(Added 28/04/2024)

Photos of a Tinkertoy Toy Maker set.
(Added 28/04/2024)

Photos of a Tinkertoy Toy Maker set made by Toy Tinker Company in Evanston, Illinois.
(Added 28/04/2024)

Photos of a Tinkertoy clockwork motor.
(Added 28/04/2024)

Photos of a Tinkertoy electric motor.
(Added 28/04/2024)