''){ echo "

'Other' Constructional and Allied Systems Info & Downloads

"; } else { echo "

'Other' Constructional and Allied Systems Forum

"; } if ($gpage <>''){ $zc = 1; $queryZC = $pdo->query("SELECT DISTINCT Country from Otherhits ORDER BY Country ASC"); while ($rowZC = $queryZC->fetch()) { $tcountry = $rowZC['Country']; if ($tcountry <> ''){ $country[$zc] = $tcountry; ++$zc; } } $p1 = 1; //Find Country choice $countrysel[0] = ''; $tscountry = 0; if (isset ($_POST['Country'])){ $tscountry = $_POST['Country']; $countrysel[$tscountry] = "selected"; }else if (isset ($_GET['Country'])){ $tscountry = $_GET['Country']; $countrysel[$tscountry] = "selected"; } else { $countrysel[0] = "selected"; } $scountry = ''; if ($tscountry > 0) { $scountry = $country[$tscountry]; } //Find Systype choice $systypesel[A] = ''; $systype = 'A'; if (isset ($_POST['Systype'])){ $systype = $_POST['Systype']; $systypesel[$systype] = "selected"; }else if (isset ($_GET['Systype'])){ $systype = $_GET['Systype']; $systypesel[$systype] = "selected"; } else { $systypesel[A] = "selected"; } //Find Sysfind text $Sysfind = ''; $Sysfindt = ''; if (isset ($_POST['Sysfind'])){ $Sysfindt = $_POST['Sysfind']; }else if (isset ($_GET['Sysfind'])){ $Sysfindt = $_GET['Sysfind']; } if ($Sysfindt <> ''){ $Sysfind = str_replace(str_split('\\/:*?"<>|+-'), '', $Sysfindt); $SSearch = "(Pdesc LIKE '%".$Sysfind."%' OR Pdesc2 LIKE '%".$Sysfind."%') AND"; } if ($scountry == ''){ if ($systype == 'A'){ $queryS1 = $pdo->query("SELECT Pdesc, Pdesc2, Pdesc3, Pdesc4, Pdesc5, Pdesc6 from Otherhits WHERE $SSearch Forder > 0"); } else if (strlen($systype) == 2){ $queryS1 = $pdo->prepare("SELECT Pdesc, Pdesc2, Pdesc3, Pdesc4, Pdesc5, Pdesc6 from Otherhits WHERE (Stype = ? OR Stype2 = ?) AND Forder > 0"); $queryS1->execute([$systype, $systype]); } else if ($systype == 'M'){ $queryS1 = $pdo->query("SELECT Pdesc, Pdesc2, Pdesc3, Pdesc4, Pdesc5, Pdesc6 from Otherhits WHERE Page NOT LIKE 'O-%' AND Forder > 0"); } else if ($systype == 'N'){ $queryS1 = $pdo->query("SELECT Pdesc, Pdesc2, Pdesc3, Pdesc4, Pdesc5, Pdesc6 from Otherhits WHERE Mtype <> '' AND Forder > 0"); } else { $queryS1 = $pdo->prepare("SELECT Pdesc, Pdesc2, Pdesc3, Pdesc4, Pdesc5, Pdesc6 from Otherhits WHERE (Mtype = ? OR Mtype2 = ?) AND Forder > 0"); $queryS1->execute([$systype, $systype]); } } else { if ($systype == 'A'){ $queryS1 = $pdo->prepare("SELECT Pdesc, Pdesc2, Pdesc3, Pdesc4, Pdesc5, Pdesc6 from Otherhits WHERE Country = ? OR Country2 = ? OR Country3 = ? OR Country4 = ? AND Forder > 0"); $queryS1->execute([$scountry, $scountry, $scountry, $scountry]); } else if (strlen($systype) == 2){ $queryS1 = $pdo->prepare("SELECT Pdesc, Pdesc2, Pdesc3, Pdesc4, Pdesc5, Pdesc6 from Otherhits WHERE (Stype = ? OR Stype2 = ?) AND (Country = ? OR Country2 = ? OR Country3 = ? OR Country4 = ?) AND Forder > 0"); $queryS1->execute([$systype, $systype, $scountry, $scountry, $scountry, $scountry]); } else if ($systype == 'M'){ $queryS1 = $pdo->prepare("SELECT Pdesc, Pdesc2, Pdesc3, Pdesc4, Pdesc5, Pdesc6 from Otherhits WHERE Page NOT LIKE 'O-%' AND (Country = ? OR Country2 = ? OR Country3 = ? OR Country4 = ?) AND Forder > 0"); $queryS1->execute([$scountry, $scountry, $scountry, $scountry]); } else if ($systype == 'N'){ $queryS1 = $pdo->prepare("SELECT Pdesc, Pdesc2, Pdesc3, Pdesc4, Pdesc5, Pdesc6 from Otherhits WHERE Mtype <> '' AND (Country = ? OR Country2 = ? OR Country3 = ? OR Country4 = ?) AND Forder > 0"); $queryS1->execute([$scountry, $scountry, $scountry, $scountry]); } else { $queryS1 = $pdo->prepare("SELECT Pdesc, Pdesc2, Pdesc3, Pdesc4, Pdesc5, Pdesc6 from Otherhits WHERE (Mtype = ? OR Mtype2 = ?) AND (Country = ? OR Country2 = ? OR Country3 = ? OR Country4 = ?) AND Forder > 0"); $queryS1->execute([$systype, $systype, $scountry, $scountry, $scountry, $scountry]); } } $sp1 = 1; while ($rowS1 = $queryS1->fetch()) { $tspdesc1 = $rowS1['Pdesc']; if ($tspdesc1 <> '' AND (stripos($tspdesc1, $Sysfind) !== false OR $Sysfind == '')){ $spdesc[$sp1] = $tspdesc1; ++$sp1; } $tspdesc2 = $rowS1['Pdesc2']; if ($tspdesc2 <> '' AND (stripos($tspdesc2, $Sysfind) !== false OR $Sysfind == '')){ $spdesc[$sp1] = $tspdesc2; ++$sp1; } $tspdesc3 = $rowS1['Pdesc3']; if ($tspdesc3 <> '' AND (stripos($tspdesc3, $Sysfind)!== false OR $Sysfind == '')){ $spdesc[$sp1] = $tspdesc3; ++$sp1; } $tspdesc4 = $rowS1['Pdesc4']; if ($tspdesc4 <> '' AND (stripos($tspdesc4,$Sysfind)!== false OR $Sysfind == '')){ $spdesc[$sp1] = $tspdesc4; ++$sp1; } $tspdesc5 = $rowS1['Pdesc5']; if ($tspdesc5 <> '' AND (stripos($tspdesc5,$Sysfind)!== false OR $Sysfind == '')){ $spdesc[$sp1] = $tspdesc5; ++$sp1; } $tspdesc6 = $rowS1['Pdesc6']; if ($tspdesc6 <> '' AND (stripos($tspdesc6,$Sysfind)!== false OR $Sysfind == '')){ $spdesc[$sp1] = $tspdesc6; ++$sp1; } } $tspdesc = array_unique($spdesc, SORT_REGULAR); $tsma = 1; $sma = 0; while ($tsma<$sp1){ if ($tspdesc[$tsma]<>''){ $Psdesc[$sma] = $tspdesc[$tsma]; ++$sma; } ++$tsma; } sort($Psdesc, SORT_NATURAL | SORT_FLAG_CASE); echo "
"; echo "
"; //Model Type selection echo "Select System Type "; //Country selection echo "     Select Country "; echo "     System Text Search "; echo "
"; echo "(".$sma." systems found)
"; echo "
"; } ?>

Construction Sets of Unknown Brand Name or Manufacturer

It is not known who made the set which contained the following leaflet as their is no information of either name or manufacturer. However it is a Polylong(1a) type set.

Manufacturer / Distributor

An unknown company from

Info from the Metal Constructional Systems Database for POLYLONG [1a] (Ref:PLY1a)

System Type
2004 to in production in 2022 and continuing
Boss Type
push fit
Boss Thread
Diametrical Pitch of Gears
25 (see comment *1)
No. of Parts in System
50 (approximately)
Hole Pitch (Spacing) (mm)
Diameter of holes in Strips(mm)
4.2 (see comment *2)
Diameter of the Bore in Bosses(mm)
Diameter of Axle Rods(mm)
Types of Nuts and Bolts
Nuts: hexagonal
Bolts: pan (crosshead)
Material/Finish of Nuts and Bolts
Steel with a Bright Zinc plated finish
Size of the Nuts across Flats (mm)
Bolt diameter (mm)
6.5(see comment *3)

Various Sets (see separate list) from one or more unknown Chinese makers. Most parts as Eitech/Construction but some others. *1 Mod.1 & finer for Motor/Gear Unit.. *2 Square holes in some RCEE sets. *3 6.1 & 7.4 also reported.

Pages from the 'Other Systems Newsletter' which contain information on this system are shown below. They can also be downloaded to your computer if desired here

NOTE : If the 'Other Systems Newsletter' pages for POLYLONG [1a] do not appear in the window below, then refresh the page.

The report can be zoomed into, made full screen or downloaded as a pdf document by using the controls provided

Below there are manuals/leaflets which can be downloaded by clicking on the appropriate image.

An instruction leaflet giving details of four small models. Thought to date from the 2000s.