'Other' Constructional and Allied Systems Info & Downloads
'Other' Constructional and Allied Systems
Manuals, Brochures and Sets
Last updated 25th July (For details see the bottom of the page)
The Meccano Construction System has spawned an enormous number of competitors over the years. Some made a virtual like for like clone whilst others were of a completely different concept together with all shades in between. There are very few systems that pre-date Meccano and those that do are very simple systems.
On this part of my website, I have downloads of a variety of manuals and other literature together with photos for some of these 'Other' constructional and allied systems. Also included in this section are some of the other systems by Meccano Ltd - Dinky Builder, Aeroplane Constructor, Motor Car Constructor, Elektron, Kemex, Speed Boats, System X etc.
Note that some system names have been used several times. In order to identify the separate systems, a suffix number in brackets is added to these. Also some systems which had distinct differences in different periods etc. are also listed separately with suffix letters. To avoid confusion, these suffixes are the same as in the MCS (Metal Constructional Systems) database produced by Tony Knowles.
Selection of Construction Systems by Filtering / Manufacturer Search
1. You can now filter the various constructional systems in the menu at the top, to just display the those systems of a certain system type and/or country.
NEW - You can now also filter on part of, or all of a system name 'System Text Search' (case insensitive). Note - don't use any diacritics such as accents or cedillas etc. when searching.
2. In addition a search facility has been added to allow one to do a text search through the manufacturers/distributors names and addresses. (See 'Other Systems Home Menu')
NEW : Tony Knowles' 'Other Systems Newsletter' : NEW
Tony Knowles who produced the 'Other Systems Newsletter' (OSN) for many years, unfortunately died in 2022. With the permission of his family, I am pleased to now include all 54 editions of the Newsletter on this website for both reading on-line and download. An index is also provided to the Newsletter. This Newsletter included an enormous amount of information on the 'Other Metal Systems'. (See 'Other Systems Home Menu')
In addition, the relevant pages of the Newsletter are also now available on the individual website 'system' pages (where the system was covered in the Newsletter). I have also added in over 200 extra systems which were covered in the Newsletter, but which were not previously included on this website.
Please note that including all the relevant Newsletter pages against each 'system' webpage, has been an enormous job. A few errors have been bound to slip through. Please let me know of any errors that you may find.
Also added is a 'Short History of Metal Constructional Systems from 1888 - 1918' written by Tony Knowles. (See 'Other Systems Home Menu')
MCS (Metal Constructional Systems) database
The MCS (Metal Constructional Systems) database produced by Tony Knowles is now available on this website. It covers all known metal constructional systems. It can be displayed and searched on several parameters on its own dedicated page. In addition all the metal construction system pages now include their entry from the database.
There are many modern simple sets sold by a variety of manufactures, which use Eitech type parts - or sometimes a mixture of Eitech and Meccano type parts. These are all categorised as 'Polylong' type systems in the database. A list of these systems is available via the menu above. Note that whilst some of these names appear in the MCS database, many do not.
MCS (Metal Constructional Systems) Books
In the 1980s and 1990s Frank Beadle and Don Blakeborough published a series of Metal Construction Systems (MCS) books. These books have not been updated since around the mid 1990s when Frank Beadle died. They therefore are a little out of date. They were also produced on a photocopier and consequently many of the pictures are rather poor by modern standards. However they do contain much useful information which probably is not easy to get otherwise. I have therefore scanned in the whole of Frank Beadle's MCS books.
The available system MCS documents can be downloaded or viewed from the MCS Book page. They can also be viewed on the relevant system manual pages and links against the relevant database entries.
Non-Metal Systems
This website contains manuals/photos of a number of systems which are made primarily (or wholly) of wood, plastic or other materials. A page is available (accessed via the menu above) listing all these systems, together with links to them.
Additional manuals/systems
If anyone has manuals/brochures or photos that they would like to add to this collection, please contact me. This collection of scans/photos only scratches the surface of what has been made over the years and I would like to make it as comprehensive as possible.
Discussion Forum
I have now set up a Discussion Forum to enable people to discuss any aspect of any of the Other Constructional Systems. I hope that you will find this facility useful. You can access it via the 'Other' Systems Home Menu. In order to post an item one needs to be registered with and logged into the Forum. However anyone can read the posts.
Please note that if you want to make posts, you need, after registering with the discussion forum, send me an email, so that I can activate your account. This has become necessary in order to reduce spam.
13 October 2024
A lot of Brickplayer scans and photos added. Thanks to Tony o'Hagan for much of it.
25 July 2024
Photos of a MWK set added.
Photos of two small phase 5 Bral (Il Costruttore Meccanico) sets added. With thanks to Bruno Negri.
14 June 2024
More manual scans and photos of Bayko added, including a Dealers spares cabinet.
9 June 2024
Manual scans and photos of Brickplayer kits added. With thanks to Tony O'Hagan for some of them.
29 May 2024
Photos of Betta Bilda sets added.
28 May 2024
Photos of Multi-Builder sets added.
Photos of sets and leaflets for Java added.
The photocopied version of the Leonardo Parts List replaced by scans of an original copy.
10 May 2024
Scans and photos of Bral Elettro and Astro sets added.
Scans and photos of Plasticant sets added. Both with thanks to Bruno Negri.
8 May 2024
More scans and photos of Leonardo added.
28 April 2024
Photos of Tinkertoy and Tinkertoy Toy Maker sets added.
Photos of Makit sets added.
Photos of Sio Montage and Sio Sioliet sets added.
Photos of Siemens-Electro-Bouwdoos sets added (this is the same system as Siemens-Baukasten).
26 April 2024
More model instructions and catalogues added for Metallus.
16 April 2024
More model instructions and catalogues added for Eitech.
15 April 2024
More model instructions added for Tronico(a) and Tronico(c).
12 April 2024
Photos and pages 3-8 of a manual for Walu-Metall added.
Photos and other info on Baufix / Crème Éclipse added.
A Fermo instruction manual added.
21 March 2024
The manual for Eitech set C23 added. With thanks to Andrey Kovynev.
20 March 2024
Photos of another Elektromehaniskais Konstruktors set added.
7 March 2024
More manual scans and set photos of Il Costruttore Meccanico (Bral) added. With thanks to Bruno Negri.
Photos of a mini Merkur[1] 'Trempik' set added
24 February 2024
A early 'Mecanic[5]' manual added.
An instruction manual for 'Favorit' added
23 February 2024
Another 'Zick-Zack' instruction manual added.
An instruction manual and photos of 'Stahl-Baukasten[2]' added.
An instruction manual and leaflet added for 'Roco'.
Instruction manual and leaflets for 'Rehburger' added.
An early 'Necobo' 0-3 set manual added.
Photos of a crane made with 'Wema' added.
16 February 2024
More manual scans and set photos of Ami-Lac added. With thanks to Bruno Negri.
29 January 2024
A new system 'Elex' added. With thanks to Wilbert Swinkels.
Photos of another Studio Elektrotechnik set added. With thanks to Mark Wall.
Photos of some Press-Fix UK made sets and also an Italian made set.
8 December 2023
Photos of Dux Universal sets 101 to 102 & 71 added.
6 November 2023
A Wi-Di set o manual and photo added.
4 November 2023
A Bral Il (Il Costruttore) phase 2b set 1 manual, photos of Bral Il Telgrafo set and an advertising leaflet for Bral Experimental/Scientific sets added. With thanks to Bruno Negri.
28 October 2023
An instruction manual for a Stricon set 2 has been added.
An instruction manual for a Bosch set 1 has been added.
An instruction manual for a Pontifex set has been added.
An instruction manual and photos of a Boycoy set have been added.
Instructions and a photo of a Besi set added.
Photos of a Rehburger set 2 added.
25 October 2023
A lot of Matador instruction model leaflets/manuals and other literature added.
5 October 2023
A photo of a Migros set added. Also the model instructions had originally been on the website under Stokys. They have now been moved to the Migros page. With thanks to Hans Rothenbühler.
15 September 2023
All 83 issues of the pre-war Matador Newsletter 'Matador Zeitung' added.
15 September 2023 (all thanks to Bruno Negri)
1. Photos and scans of Bral Elettro
2. Photos of Bral 'Il Traforo' (Fretwork) sets.
3. Photos and scan of a Building Bricks set.
4. Photos of a Construction Set(2) set.
5. Photos of a Architettura Veneziana set.
6. Photos and scans of a JeuJura JuraVille No.2 set.
7. Photos of a Schloss-Baukasten set.
14 September 2023
Photos and scans of Bral (Il Costruttore Meccanico) sets and manuals. With thanks to Bruno Negri.
13 September 2023
Photos and/or manual scans of the following systems added, with thanks to Peter Brackmann - Anders, Benco, Bergland, Constructor(1), Dorando, Favorit, Konstrux, Mercator(1), Maschinenbau, Mechanika, Metallbaukasten(4), Metallix(1), MWK, Stabe(1), Staba(2), Stahlo Klemm, Studio Elektrotechnik.l
7 September 2023
Photos of a Stato Bau set 50 and a Le Constructeur set 4 have been added. With thanks to Marc Driesen.
9 August 2023
A Spanish 1966 Meccano price list from Novedades Poch SA. has been added. With thanks to Richard Payn.
7 July 2023
The 1939 Meccano Aero Constructor(1) Special Sets manual (20/339/4.5) has been added. With thanks to Greg Rahn.
23 June 2023
Better scans and additional Meccano Aero Constructor(1) Special Sets manuals have been added. With thanks to Greg Rahn.
3 June 2023
A lot of Märklin instruction manuals and parts lists etc, have been added. With thanks to Norbert Klimmek.
2 June 2023
A 1917 Meccano-Märklin set 1 manual added. With thanks to Norbert Klimmek.
19 May 2023
Information on Die Ketten-Brücke and other wooden constructional toys produced by Julius Stief. With thanks to Domenik
10 May 2023
1. More photos and information on Ditmar sets.
2. A photo of a model made with Fix has been added
3. A 1951 price list for Kobler added.
4. Photos of Wema sets A and ABC added.
11 May 2023
The full engineering drawings of Fokker Technische Bouwdoos parts and box have been added together with an updated parts list taken from the drawings. With thanks to Wilbert Swinkels.
10 May 2023
1. Photos of a ConstructO(4) set added.
2. Photos of some Masterbuilder(b) sets added.
9 May 2023
Photos and manual scans of Fokker Technische Bouwdoos. With thanks to Wilbert Swinkels and the Meccano Gilde Nederlands.
4 May 2023
1. Photos of a Staal-Bouw set added.
2. Photos of a Metallbaukasten[15] set made by rcee GmbH.
27 April 2023
1. Gilbert Clock Kit photos and instructions moved from Gilbert Science Sets to Klax (Gilbert Clock Set)
2. 1935 and 1936 Gilbert Meccano catalogues added to Gilbert Science Toys, Meccano-Brik and Meccano Morecraft.
15 April 2023
1. Corrected dates added for Hornby Gares Demontable. With thanks to Michel Camboulives.
2. Some amendments to the text and correction of the company's names for Construction (GDR) and Construction-Eitech. With thanks to Holzpuppe.
2 April 2023
Manual scans and photos of Picabrix added. With thanks to Clive Weston.
7 March 2023
Scans of a No.070J manual dated July 1939 for Märklin Minex added.
23 February 2023
Instructions for the Haynes Steam Train added.
25 January 2023
Some sample pages from an Il Meccanico Italiano manual (the system is the same as Primus). With thanks to Bruno Negri.
21 January 2023
Two Condor manuals (6/7 and 8/9) from the 1980s added. With thanks to Bruno Negri.
21 December 2022
Added in more manual scans and foreign language translations for Meccano Aero Constructor (1) and (2). With thanks to Pepe.
5 December 2022
Found that a picture of parts on the 'Flex' system page are actually Technikus(4) parts. Now moved to the correct system.
24 November 2022
Scans and photos of Gordon added.
19 November 2022
Scans and photos of Metall-Baukasten[2] added.
17 November 2022
More scans and photos of various Bral sets added. Also did more sorting out of the various phases of the system. With thanks to Bruno Negri.
7 November 2022
Photos of a Kismonte set to make an electric motor. With thanks to Jean Pierre.
4 November 2022
Scans and photos of various Bral sets added. Also divided the the system up into various phases. With thanks to Bruno Negri.
3 November 2022
Scans and photos of Anker(2) added.
27 October 2022
Scans of Stokys manuals and and other literature added. With thanks to Andrea Stern.
Scans and photos of the Ami-Lac set 201. With thanks to Bruno Negri.
Scans and photos of Falco(2). With thanks to Bruno Negri.
Scans and photos of Bergstadt.
9 October 2022
Photos of some Lone Star parts and manual pages. With thanks to Rob Mitchell.
Photos of a SEL (Signalling Equipment Ltd.) Electrical outfit box. With thanks to John Burke.
4 October 2022 - Scans and photos of the Argentine system variously known as Rasti-Mec / Super Mec / Rasti Técnico added. With thanks to Edgardo Gorza.
1 October 2022 - Additional data added for Konstruktor(16). With thanks to Jean-Pierre.
28 September 2022 - Photos of a Falt set 4 added. With thanks to Natale.
21 September 2022 - Photos of all Vogue sets (1, 2, 3 and 5) added. With thanks to Robert Tremblay.
11 September 2022 - A photo of a Unistruct set added. With thanks to Kendrick Bisset.
9 September 2022 - All with thanks to Pepe.
Manuals and photos for Armec / El Experto Mecanico added.
Scans and photos of El Nuevo Ingeniero Argentino added.
Scans and photos of Ingenieria Mecanica Infantil added.
Photos of a couple of pages of a Juego Metalico de Armar F.M. manual.
Scans of a few pages of Plastikano(2) instruction manual added. Note that this system is from Argentina - Not Italy as originally noted.
Photos of Unimetal parts.
Some pages from an El Mecanico instruction manual.
Scan of the box lid of an El Ingeniero Infantil set.
8 September 2022 -
A manual and photos of a 1988 Elektriskais Konstruktors Skolens set 3. With thanks to Andrey Kovynev.
A manual and photos of a Konstruktor Mekhanik(7) set (from Leningrad, Russia). With thanks to Andrey Kovynev and Dmitry Suprunov.
Photos of a Karl Marx Rocket Builder set.
Manuals and photos of Armec & El Experto Mecanico. With thanks to Pepe.
7 September 2022 -
A manual, photos and information on Snap-It have been added. (With thanks to Kendrick Bisset).
Info on the Dometo system corrected, with thanks to Koos.
10 August 2022 - A manual etc. for (EGB) Elektro have been added. (With thanks to Clive Weston).
8 August 2022
A Bral general catalogue for circa 1965 added (has info on Bral Elettro, Bral Aerei and Il Costruttore Meccanico (With thanks to Clive Weston)
Two Tecnic manuals added. (With thanks to Clive Weston).
7 August 2022 - The Metallus instructions for the 4-6-2 locomotive set have been added.
6 August 2022 - You can now also filter the system names menu by part of, or all of a system name. A useful feature to reduce the enormous number of names in the system menu when looking for a particular system.
5 August 2022
Two more Märklin manuals added. (with thanks to Clive Weston)
Two missing pages added to a Staba(2) manual.
28 July 2022
A manual for Merkur Metrolpol added, with thanks to Martin Kutil.
Photos of a Vasek set 8 added, with thanks to Martin Kutil.
27 July 2022
The following systems which are covered in OSN have now been added to the website:-
Snapsticks, Tecnicavia.
26 July 2022
The following systems which are covered in OSN have now been added to the website:-
Modelix, Mecanic[6], Mecanic[7], Meco, Mercator[2], Our Boys, Opset Letrixmec, Fastech, Punch, Polylong[2], Popular, Russian Meccano, Sunny Toy, Structal-Auto.
25 July 2022
The following systems which are covered in OSN have now been added to the website:-
Educational Toy, El Constructor Americano, Easy-Do, Elma, Elet, Entech, E.W.G., Falterbot, Jiffy Builder, Little Jim(3), Linx, Metal Macano, Meccanoico Italiano, Metall-Baukasten[3], Mechanical, M'Tek.
24 July 2022
The following systems which are covered in OSN have now been added to the website:-
Alflex, Bilt-E-Ze(2), Construmec, Constructo(6), Construction Truck(2), Construction Cultivate Tractor, Cub Builders, De Ingenieur, Der Kleine Elekrotechniker, Dux Metall-Flugzeug(2) and (3), Delta-X(b).
23 July 2022
All Tony Knowles 'Other Systems Newsletters' (OSN) have been added to this site for reading and download. An index is also proved for the Newsletter.
In addition, the relevant pages are now included against all the existing systems that are covered in OSN.
The following systems which are covered in OSN have been added to this website. :-
A La Imperiale, Anders, Anker[2], Architector, Argos, Armamec, Armciclo, Arwill, Atleta, Aukri, Auto-Méca, Auto-Metallbaukasten, Auto-Monteur, Avions-Construction, Bau-Kasten, Bauspiele, Bayot, Belix, Belmont, Besi, Bild-R-Jig, Boltless Builder, Bomisa, Bosch, Bral Auto Grand Prix, Brian Builder, Build Model, Build-Over, Canadian Steel Instructor, Castco, Citroën, Clippa, Columbus, Combicar, Combinator, Combinave, Combiplano, Conrad, Construction Aux Bayonnets, Constructions R M, Constructivo, Construct-O-Steel, Constructus, Construmecanico, Construzioni Meccaniche[1], Crein, Cubal, Curtain Wall Builder, Delta, Der Eisenkonstrukteur, Der Kleine Ingenieur[2], Der Kleine Ingenieur[3], Der Kleine Konstrukteur[3], Der Kleine Techniker[1], Der Kleine Techniker[2], Der Konstrukteur FMF, Döco, Duraleg, Dux-Auto, El Mechaniki Hdith, Eltex, Erecto[1], Erecto[2], Erecto[3], Eureka[1], Exact, Falco Elet, Falco[1], Falco[2], Fancy Construction Toy, Fantazer, Favorit, Feel[1], Ferro, Fips, Flintwood, Frama, Geco, Gilbert Clock Set, Gilbert Ride-It Erector, Gilbert Thatcher Tin Can Toy, Girder & Panel Building Set, Gluck, Good Play[3] ('Metallbaukasten'), Gordon, Hame, Hawe, HW Metall-Baukasten, Ideaal, Idéal Mécanique, Il Balilla Meccanico, Il Meccanico, Il Meccanico 900, Innor, Inventor, (The Practical) Iron Constructer and Demonstrator, (The) Iron Constructer, Italmecc, Jeulin, Keim, Kelmar Pow'r House, Kettles Konstructional Kit, KiCo, Kinder-Konstruktor, Klax-Toy, Knoll, Komeb, Komplekt Zakonstruirane Ot Metal, Konstruktionsspiele, Konstruktor[17], Konstruktor[7], Krüger's Maschinenbau, Kuko, La Construction Metallique, Le Petit Campeur, Le Petit Constructeur, Lilienthal, Little Engineer[2], Little Giant Model Maker, Machino, Mac-Siccar, Madler's Metall-Bau-Kunst, Magneto, Magra, Majster Kowicz, Mak-A-Toy, Make-And-Know, Maksimko, Maxitoys, Mebaka, Mebau, Meca, Mecanex, Mecânica Recreativa, Mécano A.L.N., Mecano[2], Mecano[3], Mechamo, Mechanik[1], Mechanikus, Mechanimals, Mechano, Mechantrix, Mechatronica, Mech-Builder, Mecotec, Mekanik Låda, Mekaniker'n, Meknex, Metaal Constructie Set, Metaba, Metabo, Metal Construction and Building Outfit, Metal Dino/ Metal Kit, Metal Mechanic, Metal Workshop, Metalgenio, Metall-Baukasten[11], Metall-Baukasten[2], Metall-Baukasten[4], Metall-Baukasten[5], Metall-Baukasten[8], Metallix[2], Metallo[3], Metallus, Metalmaster, Mi Taller, Micmac, Migros, Mikla, Mimikry Wehrmachts-Metall-Baukasten, Mlady Stavitel, Mlody Konstruktor, Moco, Model Bridge, Modello[2], Moov, Multi-Make, NSF, O Pequeno Mecânico, Peugeot, Pionir, Playablemetal, PNCA, Polyko, Quick, Rehburger, Rekord, Rex[2], S S S, Saturn, Seymour Airplane Factory, Sico, Staal-Bouw, Stäbchen Baukasten, Stabilus, Stahlbaukasten, Stahl-Baukasten[1], Stahl-Baukasten[2], Steel Craft, Steel Tek, Strauss, Structeero, Studio Elektrotechnik, Technico, Technik[1], Technik[2]/Technic[2], Technikum, Techno[2], Techno[3], Tecnomeccano, Tekniko, Tekno[3], Tetrix, The Bridge Builder, Tibi, Tin Town High Rise, Toy Builder, Trix[4], X-Acto (USA), Trix[5] (Spain), Trix[8] (Belgium), Tronico(c), Tronico[d], Ubilda, U-Bild-It, UFSA, Verkehrs Flugzeuge, Versor Konstruktor, Werner's Metallbaukasten, Weso, Wides, Wi-Di, Wima, Wir Bauen Auf, Withe, Würth, Yoder, Zick-Zack[1], Zig-Zag
2 July 2022
1. Photos of House of Marbles and Tinka-Tek sets added.
2. Photos of Tallon Tek sets added.
3. Photos of NASA sets added.
4. Photos of more Coach House Partners sets added
26 June 2022
1. Photos of Vex Robotics sets and kits added.
2. Photos and scans of Riviton added.
13 June 2022
1. Scans of Kustom Metal set instructions added. With thanks to Chris Shultz.
2. Photos and manual scans of Stabo sets. With thanks to Ron Kurtz
2 June 2022
1. Photos of a Pennybrix set added.
2. The system 'Die Retten Brücke' was wrongly named. It is actually called 'Die Ketten-Brücke'. Error due to misreading a rather elaborate script. Error now corrected.
26 May 2022
1. Photos of a Siemens-Baukasten set added.
2. Photos of Dado Cubes and Dado Squares added.
3. Photos of a Tivoli set and instructions added.
4. Photos of Dietel Plastic Baukasten sets added.
5. Photos of American Logs sets added.
6. Photos of Lincoln Logs and Canadian Logs sets added.
25 May 2022
1. Scans of a Supersonic Manual added. With thanks to Peter Faulstroh.
2. Scans of more Automat brochures etc. added.
3. Photos of a Batiminus set added.
4. Photos of a Polytechnic set added.
5. Photos of a Die Retten Brücke set added.
18 May 2022
1. Photos of a RWG Baumeister set added.
2. Photos of Multimotore sets added.
12 May 2022
Compact Technik appears to be the modern name for Automat. Some additional photos added.
9 May 2022
Photos of Hornby Gare Demontable stations added.
8 May 2022
1. Photos of a Dometo set added.
2. Photos of Profilo sets added.
3. Photos of a The Constructioneer set added.
4. Photos of a Gothischer Baustyl set added.
5. Photos of an unknown German system I have called D.R.P. Konstruktion added.
6. Photos of a Philiform set added.
7. Photos of a Hausser's Kunstler Baukasten and a scan of a Dutch manual added.
8. Photos of Exin Castillos/Castles sets added.
7 May 2022
1. Photos of American Bricks sets (both wooden and plastic) added.
2. Photos of Auburn Flexible Building Bricks sets added.
3. Photos of Super City sets added.
4. Photos of a Schlob-Baukasten set added.
5. Photos of a Nouvelle Architecture Français set added.
Reference to and photos of Nouvelle Architecture Français in the L'édifice entry have been removed as they put there in error.
6 May 2022
1. Photos of Bilt-E-Z sets added.
2. Photos of a Constructions Rustiques set added.
3. Photos of Maison Alsaciennes / Villas sets added.
4. Photos of Genie sets added.
5. Photos of Jeujura sets added.
6. Photos of Jeujura Construire sets added.
7. Photos of a Le Roi des Constructeurs set added.
8. Photos of an Anchor Stone Building Blocks set added.
9. Photos of Lott's Bricks sets added (including Lott's Tudor Blocks and Lott's Lodomo).
1 May 2022
1. Scans of Steelbuilder(1) instruction manuals added. With thanks to Orion.
2. Photos of Dux Metall-Flugzeug(1) motors and set 106 added.
3. The Fantasie R patent added.
4. Photos of Phantasie sets, adverts etc. added. Also the manual replaced with a complete one.
15 April 2022
1. Scans of a Spanish Pocket Meccano set instruction leaflet by Poch added.
2. Scans of a Built-O-Mobile manual added with thanks to Robert Tremblay. As Young Engineer(1)/Du Jeune Ingénieur, Constructo(1), Build-O Construction Sets, Built-O-Mobile are all the same system, thay have all been consolidated onto a single page.
3 April 2022
1. Scans of a Phantasie manual added. With thanks to Robert Tremblay.
2. Replacement front cover for the Constructo(1) Mark 1-2-3-4 manual. With thanks to Robert Tremblay
20 March 2022 - Photos of Baufix parts added. With thanks to Robert Tremblay.
10 March 2022 Clarification and details of the connection between the Koster and Gloria systems. With thanks to Jean-Pierre.
3 March 2022
1. Photos of Fox Blox added. With thanks to Casper Mol.
2. Instruction leaflet for Multiform added. With thanks to Casper Mol.
3. Photos of Z-Op added. With thanks to Casper Mol.
4. Photos and instruction manual for Pulko added. With thanks to Casper Mol.
5. Photos of Sky-Hi added. With thanks to Casper Mol.
6. More photos of a Spranger set added. With thanks to Casper Mol.
2 March 2022
1. A manual and some photos of Edilizia added. With thanks to Casper Mol.
2. More photos of Fabro added. With thanks to Casper Mol.
28 February 2022
1. Some photos of Donald Arquitecto/Architect sets and parts added. With thanks to Casper Mol.
2. Some photos of Edilizia Moderna added. With thanks to Casper Mol and also Bruno N. from who the model photos originally came.
27 February 2022
1. Some photos of Dux Universal sets and parts added.
2. Some photos of Cliffix added.
3. Some photos of an Elektromehaniskais Konstruktors set added.
4. Some photos of a Metallo-Trigon set added.
5. Photos and manuals of Matador sets added.
6. Photos of a Cubus set added.
7. Photos of a Jeu de Construction set added
8. More photos of a Bâtiss set added. With thanks to Casper Mol.
22 February 2022 - The Eitech manual for current set C09 has now been added. With thanks to Sam Taylor.
21 February 2022 - Photos and manuals of Pony added.
20 February 2022
1. Some photos and instructions of Steel Builder(2) added.
2. Photos of some Steel Works sets added.
3, Photos of Builderific sets added
19 February 2022
1. Photos of various Girders & Panel and Bridge & Turnpike/Roadways/Highway system sets added. The existing sets under the Chad Valley name were incorporated into this page.
2. Some photos of Arkitex and Brickplayer added.
3. Some photos of a Timbabild set added
18 February 2022 - Some photos of Teifoc added.
17 February 2022
1. Some photos/instructions of Constri added. This is the same system as Build-O-Fun.
2. Some photos of Constructo Plastic / Grossblock added.
16 February 2022
1. Some photos/instructions of Arckit added.
2. Photos of Diablock, Brix Blox and Loc Bloc added. They are all the same system.
3. Photos of Main Street added.
4. Instruction plans for Linka added.
5. Instructions for Wilfried's Heco Baukasten added. With thanks to Caspar Mol.
15 February 2022 - Some photos of Blippo added.
14 February 2022
1. Some photos of Construction Set(2) sets added.
2. Some photos of a Bâticub set added.
3. Some photos of a Bâtiss set added.
4. Some photos of Build-O-Fun sets and instruction leaflets added.
5. Some photos of Castos added
6. Some photos and a manual scan of Fabro added.
14 February 2022 - Some photos/scans of Fabro and L'édifice added. With thanks to Caspar Mol.
13 February 2022 - Manual scans and photos of the following systems added - Bouw Mee, Elba, Mobaco. With thanks to Caspar Mol.
29 January 2022 - Manuals and photos added of the plastic construction system 'Mechanics Laboratory' made by Clementoni of Italy.
16 January 2022
1. Photos and details of Studio Elektrotechnik added. With thanks to Stef Niewiadomski.
2. Photos and more info on Maakeets sets. With thanks to Machiel Odendaal.
3. Photos, scans and more info on Wittner sets.
11 January 2022 - Exacto and Argentinian Meccano Manuals added. With thanks to Clive Weston.
8 January 2022 - More photos of Konstruktor(26). With thanks to Angel Rodriguez Palacio and his wife Inés who takes the photos.
6 January 2022 - Photos of a Titan set 54 added.
6 December 2021 - Scans of a Pfeida set 0 leaflet added. With thanks to Peter Halsmeyer.
16 November 2021 - Scans and photos of Holzbaukasten and Steel World added. With thanks to Jean-Perre
15 November 2021 - Scans and photos of Vulcain added. With thanks to Jean-Perre
14 November 2021 - Scans and photos of Stahl-Baukasten(3) added.
12 November 2021 - Scans of Märklin manual for set 10851 added. With thanks to Jan Ringalda.
1 November 2021 - Scans of many Metaling and other Spanish Meccano manuals added.
25 October 2021 - Photos and scans of Auto-Cycle and Solid added.
24 October 2021 - Photos and scans of RUR and Splintofix added.
3 October 2021 - (with thanks to Robert Tremblay)
1. Photos and scans of Constructo(1) added.
2. Photo of Modelit(b) parts added.
3. Photos of The Engineer parts added.
30 August 2021 - Photos and scans of Baue Selbst, Dural Baukasten and Mek-Struct added.
6 August 2021 - All with thanks to Norbert Klimmek.
1. Scans of many pre-war Marklin price lists, brochures and leaflets.
2. Some Meccano-Marklin price lists added
3. Also additions to Marklin-Elex and Marklin Marbi
25 July 2021 - Scans of a 1954 Stabil manual for sets 49 to 52 added. With thanks to John Lagerstedt.
21 July 2021 - I have combined Mladost(1), Mladost(2), Musala, Mekhanichen Konstruktor and Elektromekhanichen Konstruktor all into the same page as they are all just different sets in the same system by the same manufacturer. Some set photos added. With thanks to Angel Rodriguez Palacio and his wife Inés who takes the photos.
18 July 2021 - A photo of a Metaal Bouwdos set added. Also photos of a Technok Baby Konstruktor set and a Construction Truck Trailer added. With thanks to Angel Rodriguez Palacio and his wife Inés who takes the photos.
17 July 2021 - Photos of a Motec set added.
14 July 2021 - Photos of a Konstruktor(33) set 3 added. Thanks to Angel Rodriguez Palacio and his wife Inés who takes the photos.
7 July 2021 - Photos and scans of Metaling(a) manuals and set photos added, with thanks to Clive Weston.
5 July 2021 - Photos and scans of a Toy Planner set and instructions added, with thanks to Kendrick Bisset.
4 July 2021 - Photos and scans of Engineero(1) sets and manuals added, with thanks to Kendrick Bisset.
3 July 2021 - Photos of two Leichtmetall Baukasten sets added.
10 June 2021 - Scans of four Meccano Spain(a) manuals added. With thanks to Pepe.
23 May 2021 - Scans of a French version of the 1966 cataloque published by Mehanotehnika, Isola. Also a scan of the German translation for the Meccano Elektron No.2 Instruction manual
22 May 2021 - Scans and photos of Gabriel Industries era Erector sets/manuals added. Also set photos and manual scans of Multimoteur.
17 May 2021 - Scans and photos of the Coach House Partners Lunar Lander instructions and set, with thanks to Chris Schenk.
11 May 2021 - Scans of the 1955 instructions for the Märklin Universal Motor. With thanks to John Lagerstedt.
17 April 2021 - Photos and information on Junior(2) sets added with thanks to Philip Hore.
14 April 2021 - Scans of the Imperial War Museums 'Spitfire' model added.
13 April 2021 - Scans of the Haynes 'Spitfire' model added with thanks to Dave Stanford.
12 April 2021
1 : Scans of two Märklin manuals added (No. 14930 from 1967 and No. 14920 from 1969) and a 1996/7 illustrated parts list. With thanks to John Lagerstedt.
2 : Scans of the manual for the Harrier Jump Jet from the Imperial War Museums Range. With thanks to Dave Stanford.
7 April 2021 - Photos of Metaling(b) set 8 with thanks to Marius Genestar Antúnez.
4 April 2021 - Added in scans and photos of a Metallix(1) manual and set.
29 March 2021 - Added in scans and photos of a Geobra instructions and set.
28 March 2021 - Added in many additional 'System' types to the Main Menu Systems selection filtering system to cover the various different types of Metal Constructional Systems.
27 March 2021
1 - Added in a manual for Stabila.
2 - Added in the final batch of systems for which I have a MCS document but no other manuals or photos : Trumodel Toys, Ulox, Uloxette, Unimetal, Unistrut, Walu-Metal, Weyco, X, Young Engineer's Set, Young Engineer(2), Écépé.
26 March 2021 - Added in more systems for which I have a MCS document but no other manuals or photos : Tekno(2), Test, The Engineer, The Smart Engineer, Toy Kraft, Toy Planner, Toy Town(1), Tranc Madera, Tri-Sector.
25 March 2021 - Added in more systems for which I have a MCS document but no other manuals or photos : Meccano Mexico, Rhocano, Rodopi, Rur, Schuco, Scientific Bouwdoos, Simplico, Skipper Toy, Sky-Scraper, Spedicon, Stabila, Steel Builder(1), Steel Construction Kits, Steel Tec Starters, Stricon, Struct-O-Set, Structex, Structomode, Supersonic, Tan-Sad, Tecc(1)&(2), Technical Kid, Tecnica, Teknik(1), Teknoset and Triangle.
23 March 2021
1 : A Primus Motor Chassis Outfit manual added to Primus. With thanks to Mike Croft.
2 : Some photos of Pontifex. With thanks to Angel Palacios.
3 : Some photos and parts info for MWK added. With thanks to Ur Flammer.
4 : Added in more systems for which I have a MCS document but no other manuals or photos : Norelco Mechanical Engineer, Oregion, Pa-Di-Ca-Co, Pequeño Ingeniero Mecano, Pfeida, Pinit, Pin-It, Plano, Prestacon, Prince William, Prototypia, Pyfyly and Pygmée.
22 March 2021
1 : Added in photos of a Falt set. Thanks to Urs Flammer.
2 : Added in more systems for which I have a MCS document but no other manuals or photos : Mladost(1), Mobilo, Modelit(b), Mont' Vite, Montex(2) (Construcciones Metalicas R), Montix, Motec, Mountjoy, Mr Mechanic, Multimotore, Musala, MWK, Märklin Aeroplane, Méca Labo(a), Mécavion(2),(3)&(4), Métaflex, Le Métallo/Métallo-Technic, Métalor, Métalu, N-G-Neero and Boomtown/Noma Boomtown.
21 March 2021 - Added in more systems for which I have a MCS document but no other manuals or photos : Mecotech, Mehano(Tehnika) Electrical, Mehanotehnika, Mek-Trax, Mekanik(3), Mekkano, Merkur Alfi, Merkur Metropol, Meta Build, Metacon, Metalcraft(1) Aero & Train, Metalcraft(2), Metallirakennussarja, Metamech, Meteor Autobar & Elektro, Metabuild, Mickey Mouse, Micul Mecanic, Milana, Miniatur and Minitech.
20 March 2021 - Added in more systems for which I have a MCS document but no other manuals or photos : Ma Tour Construit, Maxhina, Mayko, Mec-Bras, Mecanica Infantil, Mecanic(1), Mecanic(3), Mecanic(4), Mecanic(4), Mekanik(2) and Mecanikit.
19 March 2021
1 : As the following Matchbox type systems are all basically the same, they have all been put on the one page - 'Clou', 'Match Box Construction Set(2)', 'Match Box Construction Set(3)', 'Match Box Construction Set(4)', 'Macón' and '100 Toys in One'. Note that I only have photos and instructions for Clou.
2 : The MCS documents for Meccano Spain and Metaling have been amended to more accurately reflect the sequence and timing of periods and to correct some errors.
18 March 2021 - Two booklets on the Meccano Radio sets added and also photos and patents of the Mafell sets. With thanks to Urs Flammer
15 March 2021 - Added in more systems for which I have a MCS document but no other manuals or photos : Little Engineer(1), Little Genius, Lone Star, Lynncraft, M.A.M., Maakeets, Macon, Mafell, Makumal, Maly Konstruktor, Meccano Spain / Metaling, Meccano Radio Set, Mechanix(1)
14 March 2021 - Added in more systems for which I have a MCS document but no other manuals or photos : Juego Metalico de Armar F.M., Juga, K.do, Karl Marx Rocket Builder, Kiko, Kitou, Kinco Engineering, Kinco Engineer, Kitspock, Klipit, Knights Head, Knirps(1), Konstrukta, Konstruktor-III, Konstruktören, Le Constructeur, Lectrokit, Ledom, Model Engineering, Le Petit Artisan de la Mécanique, Universal, Lil'N-Gineer and Little Engineer(1).
13 March 2021 - Added in more systems for which I have a MCS document but no other manuals or photos : Hustler Action Toy Builder, Hustler Buildkraft, Hybridex, Il Metaltecnico, (Juego de) Ingenieria Mecanica Infantil, Ingénio(1), Ingénium, Instruct-O-Scale, Instructo, Jack and Jill Dandy, Jep/Je-il/Jiel, Joc Mecano, Jr Engineer.
12 March 2021 - Manual scans and photos added for the following systems - Prefabo, Stahl-Baumeister, Stato-Bau (photos only), Technokid(1) (photos only), Tecnic, Tekno(1) (photos only) and Zick-Zack(2) (photos only). All with thanks to Peter Brackmann.
11 March 2021 - Manual scans and photos added for the following systems - Ami-Lac, Auki (photos only), A.W.S. (photos only), Der Junge Baumeister(1) (photos only), Dinky Builder (photos only), Fermo (photos only), Kinema, Leichtmetall-Konstruktions-Baukasten, Metallbaukasten(6) (photos only), Meko (photos only), Metall Baukasten mit Batterie-Motor, Metallo-Trigon, MFC (photos only), MKA(2), Olympia (photos only), Phantasie (photos only) and Pitt. All with thanks to Peter Brackmann.
9 March 2021 - Added in more systems for which I have a MCS document but no other manuals or photos : Gilbert New Wheel Toy, Gio, Girder Bilt, Goliath, Invicata, Handy Set, Hao Wang, Happynak and Hollywood U-Build-It.
8 March 2021
1 : Manual scans and/or photos for Necobo, Tecnic and Tekno(1) added. With thanks to Peter Brackmann.
2 : Photos of ebs and EPA(ΕΠΑ) sets added. With thanks to Urs Flammer.
3 : Added in more systems for which I have a MCS document but no other manuals or photos : Escho, Esco, Femepito, Fermo, FG Metallbaukasten, Framus, Funstruction and Geobra.
7 March 2021 - Manual scans and photos for Alpha(2), Der Junge Baumeister(2), Globus Der Kleine Ingenieur, Kombination, Meko and Mercator(1) added. With thanks to Peter Brackmann
6 March 2021
1 : Added in more systems for which I have a MCS document but no other manuals or photos : El Ingeniero Infantil, El Ingeniero Mecanico(2), El Inventor, El Mecanico, El Nuevo Ingeniero Argentino, El Tecnico, Empire Educational Kit, Engineerit, Engineero(1), Engineero(2), Junior Mechanic, EPA(ΕΠΑ), Erector Air-Kraft/Air-Craft, Erector Constructor 5 in 1, Erector Hudson, Erector Senior, Erector Skyscraper, Erector Zeppelin.
2 : Manuals and photos of Tecnico in French only for the France market. With thanks to Peter Brackmann
5 March 2021
1 : Photos of a Ponta set and manual added. With thanks to Robin Hood-Leeder
2 : Photos of a Modello(1) set 6 and manual added. With thanks to Peter Brackmann
4 March 2021
1 : Photos of a Ponta set and manual added.
2 : Added in more systems for which I have a MCS document but no other manuals or photos : Dorando, Du-En-Loz, Duraluminium Construction Set, E.Z., EBS(ebs), El Experto Mecanico
3 March 2021
1 : Photos and information added for the very early Keller system of stone blocks and metal bridge parts. With thanks to Urs Flammer for the details originally produced by David Hobson.
2 : The entry on Richter amended to include entries from the MCS database because I have now realised that they also produced some metal bridge parts, which are included in Tony Knowles database.
3 : Added in more systems for which I have a MCS document but no other manuals or photos : Constructo(2), Constructo(3), Construments, Construções Mecanicas, Cool Steel, Cosmos, Cozzone, Crème Éclipse, D.V.s Ingeniør, Den Lille Ingeniør, Der Kleine Elektro-Ingenieur, Elektro, Der Kleine Konstrukteur(1)
2 March 2021
1 : Added in more systems for which I have a MCS document but no other manuals or photos : Builder Boy, Buildex, Buildo(1), Buildo(2), Castle Builder, Cliffix, Clip-Craft, Cliro, Construc, Construct, Construct-O-Steel/Sagesse/Wisdom, Construcciones Metálicas, Constructa(1), Construction Jeep(1)/Construction Jeep(2)/Construction Truck(1)/Construction Truck Trailer
2 : Added in manuals and photos for Bob(1) and Bob(2), thanks to Urs Flammer.
28 February 2021 - Added in more systems for which I have a MCS document but no other manuals or photos : Boycraft, Bral Astro/Spaceship, Bral Elettro, Bricolo, Brik-Tor, BSL Metallbaukasten, Build-O, Deltax, Build-X.
26 February 2021 - Added in more systems for which I have a MCS document but no other manuals or photos : Bergland, Bergstadt, Bettafit, Big-Joy, Bild-A-Kit, Bilt-A-Set, Bildal, Bildico(1) / Erekit, Bildo, Bill Deezy, Bilt-E-Ze(1), Bob(1), Bob(2), Boy, Boy Constructor, Boycoy.
25 February 2021 - Starting to make systems for which I have a MCS document for, but no manuals or photos, accessible via the main system menus. So far have done the following:- 100 Toys in One, Abra, Dan Dare / Ajet, Ajusto, Aluminium Constructions Outfit / Elgin, Anchor Engineer, Anker(1), Armature, Armec, Walther's Ingenieur / Arts et Metiers Série 3, Vento / Automation, Aéro Technique Macrez..
25 February 2021 - Manuals and photos of Elektrokonstruktor sets by various Russian manufacturers added. These were all used for electrical experiments, many to aid school courses.
23 February 2021 - Another manual and photos of Konstruktor(6) added.
22 February 2021
1 : Another manual and photos of Konstruktor(30) added.
2 : Another Der Junge Mechaniker manual added with thanks to Urs Flammer.
3 : Another Eitech Construction manual added.
4 : Another Märklin manual and photos added.
5 : A manual and photos of Yunyy Konstruktor(2) added - a new system which looks like MFC/MKA
6 : Photos of a Konstruktor(23) Moscow set 4.
21 February 2021
1 : A manual and photos of Alpha(1) added.
2 : Another manual ands some photos of Konstruktor(24) added.
20 February 2021
1 : A manual and photos of Konstruktor Modelist (a new system) added.
2 : A Mehaniskais Konstruktors Skolens set 2 manual and photos have been added.
3 : Another Detskiy Konstruktor manual has been added.
4 : Additional manuals and photos added to Konstruktor(3)
5 : Manual and photos added of the Konstruktor(15) Tank set
19 February 2021
1 : A search facility has been added to enable a search through the manufacturers name and address details (See 'Other Systems Home Menu').
2 : A manual and photos of Elektriskais Konstruktors added.
3 : Konstruktor(33) moved to its own page, as it is a completely different system to Yunost / Konstruktor Shkol'nik(3), even although it is by the same manufacturer as Konstruktor Shkol'nik(3).
18 February 2021
1 : Photos of Bau-Kasten sets added with thanks to Urs Flammer.
2 : The MKA(1) and the MFC systems have been combined as they are the same system by the same manufacturer. The sets just had different names at different times.
17 February 2021
1 : Photos of Polytest sets added with thanks to Angel Rodriguez Palacio.
2 : The Mex(2) entry has been modified as it is almost certainly repackaged Baufix sets for the UK market. The models on the instruction leaflets are identical in artwork.
16 February 2021
1 : Another manual and set photo added to Konstruktor(13). Also the manufacturer has been identified.
2 : Also the Metaltecnik entry has been modified as it is almost certainly repackaged Eitech sets for the Hungarian market. The instruction leaflets are identical in artwork, just names etc. are different
12 February 2021 : Manufacture and/or Distributor added for most of the systems.
5 February 2021 : Filtering added so that the constructional systems shown in the menu can be filtered on system type and/or country.
28 January 2021 : A 1947 Jolei manual added with thanks to Urs Flammer.
27 January 2021 : Photos of Intelligent DIY Model sets added.
Also photos of a Yunost set 2 added, with thanks to Philip Hore.
26 January 2021 : Photos and instructions of Mechanix(4) sets from B&M Stores.
Also photos of Metal Tech sets and Alloy Building Block sets.
25 January 2021 : Additional manuals and photos for Imperial War Museums sets.
24 January 2021 : A manual etc for Steel Engineering(1) has been added. With thanks to Kendrick Bisset.
Also photos/manuals on both Arquitectura Metaling(1) (same as Wenebrik) and Arquitectura Metaling(2) a more modern plastic construction set for buildings. With thanks to Jean-Pierre.
Information photos and manuals added for Haynes / Demand Media / The Gift Box Company / Coach House Partners. These are all sets manufactured by what is effectively the same company. Thanks to Jean-Pierre for some of the photos/manual.
20 January 2021 : A 1927 Trumodel branded Duplex Construction Toy manual for set 4 has been added. With thanks to Kendrick Bisset.
19 January 2021 : Extra information on Stabil and corrections to the dates of some manuals. With thanks to Werner Sticht.
14 January 2021 : More photos of Heiko construction sets. Also with thanks to Urs FLammer a photo of a Burchi set box, the artwork of which is identical to Frydagh. They are probably both the same system.
14 January 2021 : Photos of the Splintofix system added. Also of Smart Theory which is a Polylong type set. Thanks to Angel Rodriguez Palacio and his wife Inés who takes the photos. Also thanks to Jean Pierre for improving the images of the Splintofix instruction leaflet
9 January 2021 : Additional manuals and photos for Inventrix. Thanks to Jan Ringnalda.
27 December 2020 : Instructions and better photos added in for Science Club sets.
20 December 2020 : Additional manuals, literature, photos and patents for Tronico. Thanks to Urs Flammer.
12 December 2020 : A Little Jim(2) manual and photo of a set box have been added. Also a photo of a Little Jim(1) set box has been added. Little Jim(1), Steel Engineering(2), Steel Tech and Trumetal all now included under 'Duplex Standard Construction Toy', as they are all the same sets under different brand names and utilise the same 'Duplex Standard Construction Toy' instruction manuals.
7 December 2020 : Photos of an Alpha(2) set 3. Thanks to Peter Brackmann.
6 December 2020 : A couple more instruction booklets for Dux Universal. Thanks to Bernd Alef.
3 December 2020 : Hanse and Puli added. They are both wooden type systems. Thanks to Jean-Pierre for Hanse and Urs Flammer for Puli.
1 December 2020 : The Meccano Aeroplane Constructor Outfit 0 manuals were incorrectly allocated to Meccano Aeroplane Constructor(1). Being the smaller simpler outfits using 6BA nuts they have now been moved to Meccano Aeroplane Constructor(2) where they belong.
21 November 2020 : A manual and photos of Inventrix have been added with thanks to Urs Flammer.
8 November 2020 : Photos of Wittner and Kirschner's Eisenbahn-Metallbaukasten added.
7 November 2020 : Photos of Construct It added.
6 November 2020 : Photos of Build It and Science Club added.
5 November 2020 : More Juneero design sheets and leaflets added - with thanks to "Hard Shovel". Also photos of the Staba(1) Telefon set added. Also photos of a Lineol bridge set with thanks to Jean-Pierre.
3 November 2020 : Metallbaukasten(10) with thanks to Angel Rodriguez Palacio and his wife Inés who takes the photos. Also photos of ME-KA-NO-VO added.
3 November 2020 : The Metal Constructional Systems database has been updated with the latest details from Tony Knowles.
The following systems have been either added to it or modified - A La Imperiale, Apolda, Arma, Aukri, Blema, Boltless Builder, Bral Auto Grand Prix, Burgstadter[1] & [2], Campeon, Condor[a], [b] & [c], Constructo[2], Construzioni Meccaniche[1], [2] & [3], Disco Ludendo[1a], [1b] & [1c], Duraleg, Dux Metall-Flugzeug[1], [2] & [3], El Pequeño Armador, Erecto[3], Erko, Eureka[1], Eureka![2], Fai Meccanica, Falco[1], Fansy Construction Toy, Fifa, Il Meccanico 900, Invicta, Kwik Builder, La Meccanica Applicata, Locarno, Magra, Master Builder, Maya, Mecanic[8], Mecavion[2a] & [2b], Me-Ka-No-Vo, Metaal Constructie Set, Metalgenio, Mex[2], Modellbau, (The) Playful Engineer, Polytest, Schefflers, Spintofix, Sprio, Stahl Baumeister, Structator, Structo, Structiron, Technikus[4], Techno Meccanico, Toka, Ufsa, Vial
29 October 2020 : Photos of Mentor added. With thanks to Angel Rodriguez Palacios and Ingo K.
24 October 2020 : Photos of a Steel Worker set added.
24 October 2020 : Additions manual and leaflets added for Primus Engineering. With thanks to Mike Croft.
18 October 2020 : Scans and photos of a Конструктор Механик (Konstruktor Mekhanik(6)) set added. This is a cross between Trix and Meccano X Series. With thanks to Dimitry.
14 October 2020 : Scans of a Pin-Tung instruction manual for set 3 added. With thanks to Mike Croft.
29 September 2020 : Photos of an Arma set added. With thanks to Urs Flammer
29 September 2020 : The Turm-Drahkran system has now been renamed as Sprio to align with Tony Knowles database. However for convenience the Turm-Drahken name has been kept as a cross reference.
21 September 2020 : Instruction manuals for Blix and Plastic Mechanix (both manufactured by Zephyr) added. Also another Merkur manual. With thanks to Dimitry
20 September 2020 : A lot of modern manuals for Mechanix(2) by Zephyr added. With thanks to Dimitry
20 September 2020 : Some photos of Fai Meccanica, Fischer Technik, Konstruktor(14), Maly Inzynier, Micro-Mecano "Guina" and Struktiron systems added. With thanks to Angel Rodriguez Palacios.
19 September 2020 : Some photos and information on Turm-Drahkran, La Meccanica Applicata and El Ingeniero Mecanico(1) added. With thanks to Angel Rodriguez Palacios and his wife Inés who takes the photos.
16 September 2020 : Additional set photos added to Titan[a], to show that this phase of Titan can be split in two - unpainted and painted. With thanks to Angel Rodriguez Palacios.
16 September 2020 : The instructions for Erection sets 3 and 5 added with thanks to Urs Flammer.
16 September 2020 : The instructions for the Tronico RC Old-Timer Tractor set has been added with thanks to Dimitry.
26 August 2020 : Photos of a Burgstädter Metallbaukasten(2) set 6 have been added.
25 August 2020 : A document in German) by Frank Jünger on the Electric construction sets has been added. Also some more photos of a Burgstädter Metallbaukasten(2) set and some clarification of it with regards to its predecessor Burgstädter Metallbaukasten(1)
7 August 2020 : A scan of the stringing card for the Motor Constructor(1) Lighting set has been added.
5 August 2020 : Photos of a Toy Town(2) set 3 have been added.
30 July 2020 : A new system Yunyy_Elektrik (Юный Электрик) has been added. With thanks to Urs Flammer.
27 July 2020 : Additional literature for Exacto / Argentina Meccano. With thanks to Pepe.
8 July 2020 : Picture and manuals of the plastic Rasti construction system has been added. Also an additional Steel Tec manual. The page on 'Polylong' sets now lists those sets which are included on this website.
7 July 2020 : A page listing the non-metal systems available on this website has been added.
6 July 2020 : Scans of the Gilbert Clock Kit instruction manual.
4 July 2020 : More photos and instruction leaflets added to the Nuts & Bolts system. Also more photos to Construction, Mechanic(1), Mechanix(2), Mechanix(3), Mek-Struct and X-Tech systems. Also photos of the wooden Speedilox construction sets.
3 July 2020 : Photos and manual scans for AtoZ, Haynes, HMT, Metal Bricks and Metal DIY Model systems added. Also a Galt Toys Montage instruction leaflet.
2 July 2020 : Instruction leaflets for Mechanik(2) and Rig Out Oneself (both Polylong(1) type systems) added. Also Pin-Tung a very old wooden system from 1907. More manuals and photos added to Imperial War Museum and JCB systems.
26 June 2020 : Information about very early Scheffler sets without cut-outs in the flanged plated added. Also details of a very short lived Burgstädter(2), which appears to be identical to Burgstädter(1) except that it uses Plasticon 10mm parts instead of the normal 12.8mm parts. Almost certainly a transitional set.
21 June 2020 : An early Condor set 0 manual has been added which proves that the early Condor sets were identical (including manual) to the later Disco Ludendo sets. With thanks to Sergio Garbelli di Lodi for the photos of the manual.
18 June 2020 : As Schefflers, Metall-Baukasten(1), Burgstädter and Plasticart were all different phases of the same system and there was some confusion on this website between them, I have combined them altogether into a single page to hopefully make the situation much clearer.
17 June 2020 : Scans/photos of Technikus(4) and U-Build'Em systems added with thanks to Angel Rodriguez Palacios and his wife Inés who takes the photos.
17 June 2020 : Scans of a Philips set ME-1200 manual added.
16 June 2020 : Scans/photos of Locarno and Tecno Meccanico systems added with thanks to Angel Rodriguez Palacios and his wife Inés who takes the photos.
15 June 2020 : Scans/photos of Apolda, Campeon, Erko and El Pequeño Armador systems added together with amendments to the associated text of the Disco Ludendo and Condor systems with thanks to Angel Rodriguez Palacios and his wife Inés who takes the photos.
13 June 2020 : Photos of a Disco Ludendo set added together with additional information to Disco Ludendo and Condor systems with thanks to Angel Rodriguez Palacios and his wife Inés who takes the photos.
12 June 2020 : Scans/photos of the El Mecanico Argentino, Eureka! and Toka systems added with thanks to Angel Rodriguez Palacios and his wife Inés who takes the photos.
5 May 2020 : Scans of various additional Meccano Motor Constructor and Meccano X-Series manuals have been added.
4 May 2020 : Scans of various additional Meccano Aero Constructor manuals have been added.
24 January 2020 : I have now created a discussion forum for the Other Constructional Systems. Also a link to an external site with lots of information on Stabil has been added to the Stabil page.
15 January 2020 : It was noticed that although Flexo-Buildo is included in the MCS database, my entry on the website did not cross reference with it. This error has now been corrected.
14 January 2020 : Scans/photos of the following systems have been added - Necobo, Onado, Opset Metalmec, Palikit, Philips, Pioner, Pionier, Plasticart, Plastikano(1), Plastikano(2), Playful Engineer, Playtown, Porter Electric, Premier, Press-Fix, Richter Architectural Models, Samlo, Schefflers, Signalling Equipment, Sio Montage, Sonneburger, Spirou Construit, Staba(1), Staba(2), Stabil, Sta-Lox, Sgtandard LR, Stanlo, Star, Stato-Bau, Sterling Toy Builder, Sticky, Stokys, Stokys City, Structator, Struto, Technokid(1), Tecnic, Tecnikit, Teknik(2), Tekno(1), Temsi, Thale Metallbaukasten, Thale Stahlbau Technik, The Constructioneer, Timbercraft, Titan, Trix(1)-Germany, Trix(2)-UK, Trix(3)-France, Trix(6)-Netherlands, Trix(7)-Italy, Umakit, Vogue, Vulcano, Walther's Record, Young Engineer(1). Thanks to Clive Weston for the loan of these manuals.
9 January 2020 : Scans of Meweka drawings have now been added thanks to Urs Flammer
27 November 2019 : Scans of additional manual etc added to Marklin Metall, Marklin Auto, Marklin Elex, Marklin Minex. Thanks to Clive Weston for the loan of the manuals and also to Andrew Lance and Pepe for scans.
19 November 2019 : Scans of a Meccano-Brik manual have now been added, together with some Meccano-Gilbert literature. Thanks to Clive Weston for the loan of the manuals.
14 November 2019 : Scans of a Meweka manual have now been added thanks to Urs Flammer
8 November 2019 : Scans/photos of the following systems have been added - Baufix (Batifix), Chili, Elmec, Flex, Meweka, Ti-Ba. Also additions to Globus Leichtbar and Stokys. Thanks to Urs Flammer for the scans/photos.
3 November 2019 : Scans/photos of the following USSR systems have been added - Detskaya Igra, Detskiy Konstruktor, Konstruktor(2), Konstruktor(3) including Constructor(5), Konstruktor(4), Konstruktor(6), Konstruktor(10), Konstruktor(11), Konstruktor(12), Konstruktor(15), Konstruktor(16), Konstruktor(18), Konstruktor(20), including Konstruktor Voennaya Tekhnika, Konstruktor(21), Konstruktor(22) including Konstruktor-Mekhanik[2] and Konstruktor-Shkol'nik, Konstruktor(23), Konstruktor(24) including Konstruktor Malyutka, Konstruktor Shkol'nik and Konstruktor Universal'nyi, Konstruktor(25), Konstruktor(26), Konstruktor(27), Konstruktor(28), including Konstruktor K-115, Konstruktor(29) , Konstruktor(30) including Malysh, Konstruktor(31), Konstruktor(32), Konstruktor Mal'chish-Kibal'chish, Konstruktor Mekhanicheskiy, Konstruktor Mekhanik(3), Konstruktor Mekhanik(4), Konstruktor Mekhanik(5), Konstruktor Metallicheskiy, Konstruktor Shkol'nik-1, Konstruktor Universal'nyi(2), Konstruktors(1), Konstruktors(2), Mehaniskais Konstruktors Skolens including Elektromehaniskais Konstruktors, Metallicheskiy Konstruktor, Metallo Konstruktor, Sel'khoztekhnika, Tekhnicheskaya Igra Konstruktor, Vintik I Shputnik, Yunost, Yunyi Umlets, Yunyy Konstruktor.
CHEAZ has been renamed Konstruktor(20) as I have found that this was already the name for the system in Tony Knowles database.
Thanks to Dimitriy for the scans/photos.
10 October 2019 : Extra scans/photos of the following systems have been added - Betta Bilda and Brickplayer. Thanks to Nicholas Smith for these scans.
5 September 2019 : Scans/photos of the following systems have been added - Construction (both pre and post German unification), Iron Commander, Konstruktion, Konstruktor(14), Makeblock, Merkur(1), Metal Brick, Metal Builder, Metaltecnik, Mignon, Nuts and Bolts, Orsta, Plasticon, Polylong(1), Primus, Science Box, Stokys, Temsi, Trix(1), Tronico(a). Thanks to Dimitriy for the scans/photos.
30 August 2019 : Scans/photos of the following systems have been added - Märklin plus, Temsi. Thanks to Wilfried Vermeire for the scans/photos.
23 August 2019 : Scans/photos of the following systems have been added - 10th Kingdom (10е королевство), CHEAZ (ЧЭАЗ), Samodelkin (Самоделкин), Technok (ТЕХНОК), TRIK (ТРИК), Constructor(5). Thanks to Dimitriy for the scans/photos.
4 August 2019 : Scans/photos of the following systems have been added - Avionoto, Chad Valley Hydro Dynamic sets, Globus Leichtbau, Märklin plus, Rivarossi, Roco, Temsi. Thanks to Phil Johnson, Urs Flammer and Wilfried Vermeire for the scans/photos.
28 June 2019 : Scans/photos of the following systems have been added (note that in a few instances an existing manual scan has been replaced with a better one) - Der Junge Konstrukteur, FAC, Fai Meccanica, Fairymark, Falcon Building Lumber, Falt, Fischer Technik, Flexo-Buildo, Forgeacier, Formator, Gilbert Science Toys, Globus Ingenieur, Handy Craft, Heller's Stahlbau, Ik Bouw, Ingenieria Infantil, Juneero, Junior Engineer, Kiddicraft, Kis Technikus, Kitano, Kliptiko, Konstruktion, Konstruktor Universal'nyi, L'edifice, Leonardo, Lionel, Lynx, Mac et Nick, Manufax, Master Builder, Masterbuilder, Mecanic(2), Mecavion(1), Mechanic(1), Mechanika, Mekanik(1), Mercator(1), Merco, Metalin, Metall-Baukasten(1), Metallo(2), Metaplan, Meteoor, Meteor, Mex(1), Mex(2), MFC, Mignon, Model Builder, Model-It, Modelit, Modello(1), Modern-Moorcraft, Moko's Simplex, Monteur, Multimoteur, Primus. Thanks to Clive Weston for the loan of these manuals.
14 June 2019 : There was a mix-up with Merkur in that some of the downloads were actually of the short lived German Merkur(2) system. This has now been corrected with entries for both systems.
27 May 2019 : The Metal Constructional Systems (MCS) books originally published by Frank Beadle and Don Blakeborough have now been added to this website.
23 May 2019 : The MCS (Metal Constructional Systems Database) has now been added to this website. There is both a dedicated database search page and also the relevant entry is added to all metal constructional systems. Info on 'Polylong' type sets also added.
23 May 2019 : Scans/photos of the following systems have been added - Airfix, Allwrights Mechanical Productions, Alpha(2), Aluminium Construction Set, American Model Builder, American Brick Blocks, Ami, Ami-Lac, Arkirecto, Arkitex, Arte Meccanica, Assemblo, Automat, A.W.S, Bayko, Beaver, Benco, Berbis, Betta-Bilda, Bildico(2a), Bildit, Bilofix, Bilt-E-Z, Bing's Constructor, Bob(5), Boites de Construction, Bral (replaces Il Costruttore Meccanico), Bral Voli/Airei, Buz Builder, C.I.G.E.A., Clou, Condor, Construction, Construction Kits, Construction Models(a), Construction Set(2), Constructo(1), Constructo(2), Construkit, Delta-X (a), Den Danske Ingenior, Disco Ludendo, Duplex Standard Construction Toy, Dux, Efel(2), Electric, Erector, Exacto, Ezy-Bilt. Thanks to Clive Weston for the loan of these manuals.
22 March 2019 : Scans of additional manuals for Märklin Minex and Meccano X Series have been added.
22 March 2019 : By courtesy of Pepe more scans of FAC have been added.
15 March 2019 : By courtesy of Norbert Klimmek, scans/photos of Der Junge Mechaniker have been added.
13 March 2019 : Scans/photos of the following systems have been added - British Model Builder, Dinky Builder, L'Ingenieur Français, Meccano Aeroplane Constructor, Meccano Motor Car Constructor, Meccano Elektron, Meccano Kemex, Meccano Speed Boats, Meccano System X, Montex(1)
30 January 2019 : By courtesy of Urs Flammer, scans/photos of the following systems have been added - Le Charpento[a], Le Charpento[b], Cruson, Electric, Il Costruttore Meccanico, Mechanika, Metal Baukasten[12], Seeger, Technical Trainer
26 December 2018 : Trix has been split into three pages - Trix[1] (Germany), Trix[2] (UK) and Trix[3] (France) to align better with the MCS database, which it is hoped to shortly have on this website.
22 December 2018 : By courtesy of Urs Flammer, scans/photos of the 'Miniator' system have been added.
21 December 2018 : More scans of old 'Marklin' manuals have been added. Also some of the transitional Meccano-Marklin period. Also Marklin Elex and Marklin Minex have been given their own separate pages to align with the MCS database.
10 December 2018 : By courtesy of Denis, scans of 'Metall Baukasten mit Batterie-Motor' have been added
10 December 2018 : By courtesy of Urs Flammer, scans/photos of the following systems have been added - Benco, Der_Junge_Baumeister(1), FAC, Gerner, Konstruktor Malyutka, Konstruktor(13), Konstruktor(22), Konstruktor(23), Köster, Kran Podemnyi, Maly Inzynier, Mecanic(5), Mekanik(1), Merkur, Milo, Necobo, Neuer Stabchen-Bau-Kasten, Opset Metalmec, Palikit, Pehl's Technik, Perfector, Pfiffikus, Pionier, Polykon, Puck, Record, Rex(1), Riag, Sachsenmeister, Sako, Schwerka, Solid, Sonneberger, Spranger, Staba(1), Staba(2), Stahlo-Klemm, Standard LR, Stato-Bau, Steel Tec, Stihl, Struc, Structator, Structo, Structo Auto-Builder, Tanért, Techmaster, Technico, Technikus(2), Technofix, Technokid(1), Tecnic, Teco, Tekno(1), Thale Metallbaukasten, Thale Stahlbau Technik, Titan, Trix, Tuba, Tubus, Tupo, Unsere Takstrasse, Vasek, Wema, Westfalia, Yunost, Zick-Zack(2), Zogel_Metallbaukasten.
6 December 2018 : By courtesy of Jacques Longueville, some Merkur Manuals etc. have been added.
15 November 2018 : By courtesy of Urs Flammer, scans/photos of the following systems have been added - Ami, Ami-Lac, Blema, Clou, Condor, Constructa(2), Constructor(0), Constructor(1), Constructor(2), Constructor(5), Corus, Cruson, Den Danske Ingenior, Der Junge Konstrukteur, Der Kleine Ingenieur(1), Der Kleine Ingenieur(4), Der Kleine Konstrukteur(2), Der Kleine Konstrukteur(4), Der Kleine Techniker(3), Distler Giant, Ditmar, Dux, Dux Metall Flugzeug, Edison, Efel(2), Efel(3), Eiffel(1), Electric, Erection, Ferrox, Fifa, Fix, Forgeacier, Fri-Die, Frydagh, Genial, Geniatus, Gescha, Globus, Gloria, Gnom, Hassia, HB, Heiko, Hellers Stahlbau, Hersa, Hoha, Imperator, Industrie, Ingenio(3), Jolei, Juneero, Ka-Ka-Ha, Kinema, Kliptiko, Knirps(2), Konstruktionspiel, Konstruktor Stahl-Baukasten, Konstrux, KW_Metallbaukasten, Kwik Builder, Lionel, Maba, Mac et Nick, Manufax, Märklin Marbi, Maschinenbau, Matex, Mecabel, Mechanic(1), Metallbaukasten(7)-HO, Metallico, Metallo Trigon, Meteor, MKA(1), Molecki, Mowe, Olympia, Orsta, Pitt, Staba(2).
25 October 2018 : By courtesy of Urs Flammer, scans/photos of the following systems have been added - Akron, Alpha, Assemblo, Auki, Auto Constructor, Aviadyp, Benco, Bob, Boja, Burger, Bergstädter, Clip, Kobler, Stokys, Stokys-City, Tecnico, Tim.
18 October 2018 : By courtesy of Jean-Pierre, scans of the following systems have been added - Alcon, Arts et Métiers, Auto-Cycle, Aviadyp, Dux, Edobaud, Fantasie 'R', Gilbert Science Kits, KA-KA-HA, Köster, Kwik Builder, Manufax, Märklin, Metallic, Metallo-Trigon, Pajtás, Primus, Solido, Tuba, Tubeplac.
6 October 2018 : This section of the website published.