Sheffield Meccano Guild
Sheffield Meccano Guild Magazine Index
Here you can browse and search the index to all issues of the Sheffield Meccano Guild Magazine. There are links in the index to all those magazines over five years old - except issues 11 to 22 which are copyright of Robin Johnson of Constructor Quarterly.
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Edition | Year | Month | Page | Article | Article Type | Author(s) | 1 | 1981 | November | 2 | A Brush With 'Wisdom' | Review | Mike Beadman | 1 | 1981 | November | 3 | Chairman's Page | Miscellaneous | Richard Bingham | 1 | 1981 | November | 4 | Nice - but not Easy! (level-luffing) | Mechanism | John Howe | 1 | 1981 | November | 6 | SMG Meeting - 24th October 1981 | Meeting report | Anon | 2 | 1982 | June | 2 | The Hole or Much Ado About Nothing | Memoir | Bernard Sage | 2 | 1982 | June | 2 | Why Don't I make A… | Mechanism | Peter Mason | 2 | 1982 | June | 3 | SMG Meeting - 3rd April 1982 | Meeting report | Anon | 3 | 1982 | December | 2 | Torque Amplifier | Mechanism | Peter Mason | 3 | 1982 | December | 4 | Mecca-No! | Memoir | Bernard Sage | 3 | 1982 | December | 5 | Yorkshire Dales Railway Exhibition | Show report | Anon | 3 | 1982 | December | 6 | SMG Meeting - 16th October 1982 | Meeting report | Anon | 4 | 1983 | August | 2 | Membership list | Miscellaneous | Peter Mason | 4 | 1983 | August | 3 | SMG Meeting - 23rd April 1983 | Meeting report | Anon | 5 | 1984 | February | 2 | Open the Box | Memoir | Bernard Sage | 5 | 1984 | February | 2 | Hornby Get-Together | Show report | Mike Beadman | 5 | 1984 | February | 3 | SMG Meeting - 15th October 1983 | Meeting report | Richard Bingham | 5 | 1984 | February | 5 | Lego - a Constructive Criticism | Review | Mike Beadman | 6 | 1984 | May | 2 | SMG Meeting - 14th April 1984 | Meeting report | Ken Ashton | 6 | 1984 | May | 4 | Hobbies Exhibition, Guiseley | Show report | Alan Grimshaw | 6 | 1984 | May | 5 | Mekkin' a Meccano Model | Memoir | Bernard Sage | 6 | 1984 | May | 5 | Astronomical Clock (by Pat Briggs) | Mechanism | Peter Mason | 6 | 1984 | May | 7 | In Passing | Miscellaneous | Ken Ashton | 6 | 1984 | May | 7 | Nothing Serious | Stories, Poems etc. | Robin Johnson | 6 | 1984 | May | 9 | 3-1/2" Geared Bearing | Mechanism | Hank Stone | 7 | 1984 | September | 2 | Chairman's Page | Miscellaneous | Richard Bingham | 7 | 1984 | September | 3 | Keith Cameron | Memoir | Peter Mason | 7 | 1984 | September | 4 | Gadgets | Miscellaneous | Alan Grimshaw | 7 | 1984 | September | 5 | The Meccano 110V Electric Motor | Historical | Roy Everitt | 7 | 1984 | September | 5 | Nothing Serious | Stories, Poems etc. | Robin Johnson | 7 | 1984 | September | 7 | Where There's Brass There's Muck | Restoration | Peter Mason | 8 | 1984 | December | 2 | One Moment! | Announcement | Robin Johnson | 8 | 1984 | December | 3 | SMG Meeting - 13th October 1984 | Meeting report | Richard Bingham | 8 | 1984 | December | 5 | Sheffield Model Railway Exhibition | Show report | Richard Bingham | 8 | 1984 | December | 6 | A Word to the Wives | Miscellaneous | Robin Johnson | 9 | 1985 | March | 2 | From Our Chairman | Announcement | Richard Bingham | 9 | 1985 | March | 3 | SMG Meeting - 20th April 1985 | Announcement | Anon | 9 | 1985 | March | 4 | Part Bending and Cutting Jigs | Technique | Alan Grimshaw | 9 | 1985 | March | 5 | The Magnet and the 'K' Oilcan | Stories, Poems etc. | Robin Johnson | 9 | 1985 | March | 5 | Hints and Suggestions | Mechanism | Bernard Sage, Stan Honke | 9 | 1985 | March | 6 | Gearless Freewheel | Mechanism | Bernard Sage | 9 | 1985 | March | 6 | One-way Clutch | Mechanism | Bernard Sage | 10 | 1985 | June | 2 | SMG at Norton - 20th April 1985 | Announcement | Robin Johnson | 10 | 1985 | June | 2 | Auction | Announcement | Robin Johnson | 10 | 1985 | June | 3 | SMG at Norton - 20th April 1985 | Meeting report | Anon | 10 | 1985 | June | 7 | Membership list | Miscellaneous | Anon | 10 | 1985 | June | 8 | North Staffs Meccano Guild | Show report | Reg Hall | 10 | 1985 | June | 9 | James Watt's Parallel Link Motion | Mechanism | Peter Mason | 10 | 1985 | June | 11 | Meccano Exhibition at Ilkley | Show report | Richard Bingham | 10 | 1985 | June | 12 | Badges | Announcement | Richard Bingham | 10 | 1985 | June | 13 | Mystery Bearing | Miscellaneous | Michael Kent, Robin Johnson | 10 | 1985 | June | 14 | Gems from 'The Mikano' | Stories, Poems etc. | Robin Johnson | 11 | 1985 | September | 1 | 0-6-0 Tank Locomotive | Cover picture | Keith Cameron | 11 | 1985 | September | 3 | SMG at Cutler's Hall! | Miscellaneous | Robin Johnson | 11 | 1985 | September | 3 | Bradford Exhibition | Announcement | Robin Johnson | 11 | 1985 | September | 3 | Cleveland Meccano Sold | Miscellaneous | Robin Johnson | 11 | 1985 | September | 3 | Three Million Francs to Restart Meccano manufacture! | Miscellaneous | Robin Johnson | 11 | 1985 | September | 4 | Salford Show - August 1985 | Show report | Richard Bingham | 11 | 1985 | September | 4 | My Meccano Cabinet | Technique | Alan Grimshaw | 11 | 1985 | September | 7 | The Trix Electric Motor 2161 | Historical | Robin Johnson | 11 | 1985 | September | 8 | On the Subject of Dog Clutches | Mechanism | Roy Everitt | 11 | 1985 | September | 9 | Have a Go 'AT-AT' It | Model description | Dennis Higginson | 11 | 1985 | September | 10 | 1014-Powered 0-6-0 Tank Locomotive | Building instructions | Keith Cameron | 11 | 1985 | September | 14 | Introducing the Members 1 | Profile | Bernard Sage | 11 | 1985 | September | 15 | From Our Chairman | Announcement | Richard Bingham | 11 | 1985 | September | 15 | Stacking Meccano Parts | Technique | Roger le Rolland | 11 | 1985 | September | 16 | Parallel Motion Equation | Mechanism | Mike Cotterill | 11 | 1985 | September | 16 | Material Wanted (Kitchener) | Announcement | Robin Johnson | 11 | 1985 | September | 17 | Oh Norton! (from 'The Mikano') | Stories, Poems etc. | Robin Johnson | 11 | 1985 | September | 19 | SMG Accounts | Announcement | Peter Mason | 12 | 1985 | December | 1 | Weatherhill Winding Engine | Cover picture | Peter Mason | 12 | 1985 | December | 3 | Successful Exhibitions! | Miscellaneous | Robin Johnson | 12 | 1985 | December | 3 | Franc Hornby! | Miscellaneous | Robin Johnson | 12 | 1985 | December | 4 | A Christmas Story | Stories, Poems etc. | Roger le Rolland | 12 | 1985 | December | 5 | Screw Differential Servo | Mechanism | John Howe | 12 | 1985 | December | 7 | Thirty-tooth Escapement Wheel | Mechanism | Bill Woolliscroft | 12 | 1985 | December | 8 | One for the Young 'Uns (crane) | Building instructions | Dennis Higginson, Wallie Hinson | 12 | 1985 | December | 9 | Weatherhill Winding Engine | Building instructions | Peter Mason | 12 | 1985 | December | 14 | My Meccano Cabinet (continued) | Technique | Alan Grimshaw | 12 | 1985 | December | 16 | Norton Views (autumn 1985) | Meeting report | Robin Johnson | 12 | 1985 | December | 20 | Better Motor Control | Mechanism | Martyn Dowen | 12 | 1985 | December | 22 | Auto-Reverse for Locomotives | Mechanism | Keith Cameron | 12 | 1985 | December | 24 | Short Couplings and Bell Cranks (from 'The Mikano') | Stories, Poems etc. | Robin Johnson | 12 | 1985 | December | 26 | Introducing the Members 2 | Profile | John Howe | 12 | 1985 | December | 27 | Trix Airways | Historical | Robin Johnson | 12 | 1985 | December | 29 | Uncle Michael Replies | Miscellaneous | Mike Beadman | 13 | 1986 | March | 1 | Sangstergraph | Cover picture | Keith Cameron | 13 | 1986 | March | 3 | SMG Membership Doubles! | Miscellaneous | Robin Johnson | 13 | 1986 | March | 3 | Help! | Miscellaneous | Rob Mitchell | 13 | 1986 | March | 4 | Accurate Pendulum Clocks: 1 | Engineering | John Howe | 13 | 1986 | March | 6 | The Meccano Motor Car: 1 | Mechanism | Bill Woolliscroft | 13 | 1986 | March | 8 | A Matter of Scale | Technique | Roy Everitt | 13 | 1986 | March | 10 | Bill Sangster's Meccanograph | Building instructions | Keith Cameron | 13 | 1986 | March | 15 | 'As good as a Fairy Story…' | Historical | Robin Johnson | 13 | 1986 | March | 16 | In Search of Perfection | Review | Peter Mason | 13 | 1986 | March | 18 | Book of the Decade? | Book review | Robin Johnson | 13 | 1986 | March | 20 | Letters to the Editor | Miscellaneous | Various | 13 | 1986 | March | 21 | Auto-Reverse on Wrong Lines? | Mechanism | Michael Edwards | 13 | 1986 | March | 22 | The Disagreeable Meccanoman (from 'The Mikano') | Stories, Poems etc. | Robin Johnson | 13 | 1986 | March | 22 | Respect These Oilcans! | Miscellaneous | Ivor Tensette | 13 | 1986 | March | 23 | Educating the Meccanoman's Wife | Memoir | Bernard Sage |
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